Friday, July 12, 2019

Is it 'white supremacy' to ask immigrants to love America?

"In an escalating war of words between Tucker Carlson and Rep. Ilhan Omar, the freshman Muslim congresswoman accused Fox News of "giving a nightly platform to white supremacist rhetoric" and added "It's dangerous."

Meanwhile Carlson noted it was America that "rescued Ilhan Omar from the single worst place on earth," referring to Somalia. She and her family sought asylum here in 1992. Ilhan became a citizen in 2000 when she was 17.

Why would Carlson take such offense at Omar's attitude? As he put it, her contempt is more than infuriating. It's ominous." [WND]

Read about the ingrate...who is strangely enraged about America.

Omar has been trying hard to intimidate Fox News to take Tucker Carlson off the air...wants him silenced...wants him to shut the F up...calls him a white supremacist and a racist. Won't happen. Carlson will continue to expose this woman for what she is--a hater of America and a dangerous one at that.


Anonymous said...

I have no respect for the Sun Sentinel now either, this morning, they have on the front page, Trump.... Instead of President Trump. Where the hell are the professional journalist today to write and show respect without bias? CNN and MsNBC and NBC, and others do it a lot, just Trump. I like that at least for the most part Fox does say President Trump, I think the news media should be more respectful of peoples titles and use the correct title, it is sloppy and unprofessional when they do what they do by just saying Trump. IT IS PRESIDENT TRUMP, HE IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA! OUR President!

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the news? Maybe Ilhan Omar should go back to Somalia and help her people. Do you think she would know which one of those groups are her people?