Friday, July 12, 2019

ICE Raid of Illegals scheduled for Sunday

ICE to begin nationwide immigration raids Sunday

Perhaps many in our city will be gone who live in this "welcoming city."

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

Why can't they do this in silence without announcing it and putting it on the news and all. Let ICE do their jobs and get rid of all these criminals and take them out and back to their homes. It makes no sense today why they need to put this all in the news, just do it, no need to give them a warning, they know they broke the law, now just arrest them and deport them once and for all!

Lillian said...

Sorry. I don't read Fake News.

Anonymous said...

Lillian, if you are for all these illegals and all this lawlessness, you are part of the problem. The USA and its citizens deserve a law and order society with people respecting and abiding by our laws here and not coming gin illegally, working illegally, human trafficked in, and abusing all the kindness and benefits that this fine country offers. You know how to work the system don't you? No illegal immigrant should ever have the right to US citizenship, ever, never, they broke the law, deport all of these criminals. Fine, hard working, tax paying citizens, do not want law breakers and illegals coming into the USA abusing us and our laws. Deport every damn one of them ya!

Lillian said...

I don't read or watch CNN, that's all. This article is from CNN, isn't it? What's all the other stuff you're talking about?

Anonymous said...

kinda nice to drive down lake ave and no ants running back and forth for the last two days