Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Pancakes at Mulligans

This morning, Katie and I went to Mulligans for their 10 cent pancakes. We ordered two pancakes, bacon and coffee. The total bill was $10.15 for both of us...can't beat that!

Katie and I both knew what we wanted--no indecision here!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for inviting me ,Lynn! The meal was delicious!

Anonymous said...

So, do they have 10cent pancakes everyday? Or just Tuesdays or was this something special? I have been there in ages, and only have gone there three times in my life since opening, for some reason I found them pricey and not really very good, so just prefer Dave's or Toojay's instead. Let me know about the 10cent pancakes please!

Lynn Anderson said...

It was a special they had for that day only.

Anonymous said...

Poor town folk gettin excited bout 10 cent pancake one day, the next complaining bout affordable housing for poor folk. Ya people these are ur neighbors.

Lynn Anderson said...

As the late Peter Timm always said, we have plenty of affordable housing in Lake Worth and don't need more. We haven't talked about that lately.
We weren't excited about ten cent pancakes particularly but we did leave over a $6 dollar tip on a $10 dollar tab.