Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Lake Worth passes Resolution supporting the 7% Sales Tax

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Our trio commission is great on passing Resolutions particularly if they are in sync with the Palm Beach County Commission. They are also great on raising taxes as they raised every single tax they possibly could during last year's budget process.

Tuesday night they passed a resolution, No. ? approving the increase in sales tax to 7% placing it on the Consent Agenda at the last minute and against their own rules.  This was to cement their Resolution to approve of the Atlanta Braves in John Prince Park and show the county their willingness to play in their ball field.

Commissioner McVoy asked that it be pulled for discussion and this Trio voted him down.  First of all, they probably don't know that much about it in order to even discuss it and secondly, Maxwell was being his normal arbitrary self.  He asked Bornstein if staff approved.  Bornstein answered in the affirmative and that was enough for Maxwell.

Uses of the increased sales tax have been jumping all around. No one really knows of the final outcome. Even the Editor at the Post writes, "Then we saw commissioners flirt with the Atlanta Braves, who want to build a $100 million spring training complex on county parkland west of Lake Worth. Commissioners, having just claimed that a sales tax increase was the preferred way to pave ragged roads and shore up aging bridges, were suddenly saying they’d find “creative financing” to land the Braves."

Read about it


Anonymous said...

WTF. Another sneaky, underhanded deal with the trio.

Anonymous said...

That was also rather disgraceful treatment of Commissioner McVoy. Even Torcivia stated that usually when any commissioner wants to pull an item for discussion it is honored as a matter of course. As usual the bullying Trio put it to a vote to overrule the norm, and treat Com. McVoy just like the schoolyard bullies treat the one or two who will actually stand up for what is right.

Lynn Anderson said...

Well stated, @8:36.

Anonymous said...

I'll be voting no on this sales tax increase since sales tax increases are regressive and hit the poorest residents the hardest. But, I can't really be surprised that the City of LW commission would support it, if it passes some of that money will flow our way and goodness knows we are desperate for funds.

Anonymous said...

Please provide the proper explanation regarding last night's sales tax resolution. In order for the proposed sales tax increase to appear on the ballot in November as a referendum item, over 50% of the 38 municipalities in Palm Beach County must support putting the issue before the voters. That translates into letting every voter in Palm Beach County have a say on the sales tax iissue. Since "listen to the people" is a frequent theme on this blog, moving the proposed increase on to a vote should be desireable.

The commission's vote does NOT translate into support for or against the sales tax increase. Palm Beach County schools are in very poor condition and funds are needed. In previous meetings numerous LW residents have asked why the City doesn't use a sales tax increase to fund the infrastructure improvements. That can't be done at the city level, but now there is an opportunity to do so if the increase passes. I'm not sure I'm in favor of this increase, but I would like the opportunity to learn more about the County's plans and vote on it.

Anonymous said...

Who said they know nothing about the proposed sales tax? If Commissioner McVoy doesn't know anything about it, he could have read the backup, the resolution, or numerous articles that have been published or even watched news casts about it.

Lynn Anderson said...

Excuse me,
there was NO BACKUP.
This item was put on at the last minute--AGAINST the Trio's own policy.
Next, there is a lot of controversy where this money will be spent.
Dr. McVoy knows plenty but it was worthy of discussion. Just because you seem to know so much, most of us do not...neither does the PB county Commission.
And the other truth of this matter is--this Trio, especially Maxwell and Triolo treat Dr. McVoy like crap. It's noted.
This commission, by voting for the resolution, is telling all the voters in this city that they are for increased taxes and it's all about a national Spring Training Stadium in JPP.

Anonymous said...

I and well as many people in this city have had enough. Pam, Scott and Andy are the most disrespectful, repugnant, deplorable members of the commission. You all may gloat about all of your underhanded, money grabbing, lying your way to an election win but your behavior at city meetings is anything but professional. You three should be ashamed of yourselves (but we all know that will never happen). You are representing all of the people of Lake Worth (or so we thought)not just yourselves. You act like 3 spoiled children. You three have NO Decorum and to use your word Pam against many of the residents of Lake Worth and the candidates, are reprehensible (by the way you used IRreprehensible which was incorrect).
I watch the city commission meetings and your treatment of Christopher McVoy and Ryan Maier is nothing but dictatorial and bullying. They were elected by their people for their honesty and integrity (which you all lack) and by slamming them you are slamming us all. They deserve to be respected for their elected positions.
Scott Maxwell is the most vocal with his distaste of Christopher and Ryan. He is argumentative and arrogant with them and anyone else that challenges him.
I am embarrassed when I watch the meetings to see such unprofessional disrespectful behavior from our community leaders. If anyone at the meeting or on the street disagree with you all they are put down, called stupid (in many ways) and are treated like scum. You wonder why you are not invited to many meetings, record yourselves or just watch the videos. But you are all so self-centered that you would not be able to see what others see. GROW UP AND TREAT PEOPLE WITH RESPECT. I would sign my name to this but I have seen and read what you guys do to those who challenge you (myself included). No Thanks, You will get my respect when you show respect.

Anonymous said...

They throw these resolutions in at the end of meetings because the majority of the people who attend these meetings are fed up with the bullshit and the behavior of Scott Maxwell, Andy Amoroso and Pam Triolo that they leave earlier. I totally agree with 10:42 PM's statement.

Lynn Anderson said...

Unfortunately, over the past several years, ONLY their supporters attend the meetings. The other side of politics stay away in droves. Many of their supporters are as rude as they and encourage the bullying and lack of decorum. They are a big part of the problem as well as their friend, the local "newsman."

Anonymous said...

Not just the local news jerk but the Palm Beach Post News jerk.I have heard that Kevin lives in Lake Worth and they have basically promised him a seat on the commission in the next election. Is this true???????

Anonymous said...

Regarding anonymous at 5:15 re "Please provide the proper explanation regarding last night's sales tax resolution" et al. This is the most twisted logic gibberish I have heard since the bowtie boy stated their reason for the 2020 bond vote was "we felt it was important for you to have a say in this." That one goes to 1000 on the BS meter. The reason 2020 went to a vote was because it is necessarily MANDATED that voters have a say in debt(bond) taken out in their name. Like you have a say in taking out your mortgage. Let's get real. And NO, you, bowtie et al. were not voting this sales tax in for the altruistic purpose of (this is just too funny)..."letting every voter in Palm Beach County have a say on the sales tax issue." You just moved it closer to becoming law with your vote.
This is grossly distorted logic from distorted politicians. We all have a say whether you want us to or not. IT'S THE LAW. Period. "Listen to the people" does not entail throwing us under the buss and then saying it's for allowing us the favor of being able to vote from under that buss. That's our right when you raise our sales tax. And your voting to favor this only means that our majority commission wants to raise our regressive sales tax which will most heavily impact the poorest. Perfect for your supporters. And, as well, a perfect quid pro quo favor for giving a free pass to destroy a deeded public park to reward donations from billionaire ball clubs with free land taken from the public to build a stadium paid for by the public, AND increase their sales tax and call it again "creative financing." This "creative" word seems to get thrown around a lot when it comes to sealing public property for private interests with ties to commissioners. "Creative financing" can also refer to e.g. bank robbers. If you get even a little more creative. Even if you wear a bowtie. Even if our beach is next on the menu. Isn't that called a creative business lunch? I'm on a diet!

Anonymous said...

I think I'm gonna be sick. If Kevin Johnson is both moving here and is to be our only news link to the outside world-- That's like removing the Washington Post and Wall Street Journal to be replaced with the Lake Worth Herald. I think wild pelicans may vote to join another species out of self respect.