Friday, April 8, 2016

Lake Worth Commission sets the tone of its public meetings

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Once again, we are getting a story from a reporter that never talked to the subject of the story, Commissioner Ryan Maier. There are always two sides to a story--the truth and the other side who think they know the truth or make it up, twisting it to suit their agenda. Knowing the circumstances of the incident would be too much investigative reporting I guess.

The other subject of the story is the mayor allowing all of this rudeness to happen. When you have threats made by some who speak at the lectern during commission meetings, raise their voices and are just plain obnoxious and the mayor does not bang the gavel, then it is all bad politics and purposely taking retribution against citizens and well as other commissioners.

When you have a person walking by and shooting you the 'bird," you have "rude punk" personified. Jeers and constant chatter in the room is allowed by Pam Triolo. This sort of behavior (not the bird) happens with frequency.  The mayor does have Rules of Decorum that she totally ignores.  Saying "Quiet in the chamber" doesn't cut it.

Some people are chronic trouble makers in this city and we all know who they are...even the PBSO.

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

I no longer attend these meetings as I cannot stomach the abuse that is given to Commissioner McVoy, Commissioner Maier or the abuse that the non followers of the trio are subjected to. Boo's, Hisses, vulgar hand signals and nasty comments that are levied on anyone who opposes these three. I feel that the trio are disrespectful to the other commissioners and to the public. Though we have the right to speak we also have the right to be respected as do the other commissioners. This is disgusting behavior from people who are SUPPOSE TO BE RESPRESENTING US. I realize that I made a huge mistake voting for Scott Maxwell and I will never ever do that again. The behavior was bad before but it has gotten increasingly worse.

Anonymous said...

There has been a bias here as long as I have been attending meetings; owned here for 12 years now. And I notice that it is when opposing viewpoints are voiced, whether from the audience, or behind the dais, then the decibels get louder and the gavel gets banging. I remember a long time ago when I first started in my profession. A newbie was asked to help with a project. It was a close knit group and she felt free enough to ask, "Are you going to yell at me?" And the very well respected Doctor responded in a calm soft voice, "When you know what you are doing, you never have to yell." When respect is earned, enforcement is not necessary or needed.

Anonymous said...

That is true as a general rule as well with businesses. The top sets the tone. Every business I have worked in with high standards, that translates all the way down to the consumer end point. The ones that care only for money with no standards, that translates down as well. They may do well in the short term, but long term, consumers will look for something better.

Anonymous said...

This "story" should never have been printed. One side should not a story make in the Palm Beach Post or any other legitimate newspaper.Normally the Lake Worth Herald handles stories of this nature..Does Mr. Thompson not have an editor? Is he applying for a job at the Herald? He would fit right in with the level of journalism going on there.Good for Commissioner Maier for not commenting on this. Maybe Mr. Thompson should ask the PBSO about Mr. Parilla. Did Mr. Thompson look up Mr. Parilla's history of arrest ? As for Mayor Triolo,if she couldn't sit up straight and almost fell over, it had nothing to do with Mr. Maier. Mr. Thompson should look into our Dear Mayor's history as well. I know several old friends of the Mayor that would LOVE to talk to him.

Anonymous said...

It wouldn't have been printed if McVoy wasn't such a blowhard. He doesn't have Ryans best interest at heart and should just shut up.

Lynn Anderson said...

McVoy has everyone's best interests at heart...that is where you are so wrong. You think he's a blowhard. I think he's doing his job, unlike the Trio who won't discuss and won't ask questions and just goes along to destroy anything in their way.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if we raised the commission salaries and paid a reasonable amount of money to compensate for the unreasonable amount of time and dedication required to be a commissioner, we would finally get some qualified people to run. You always get what you pay for, there's no exceptions to that rule.

Lynn Anderson said...

Most of them (trio) don't even bother reading the back-up or understanding it. They might get plenty of benefits for which we know nothing.

Anonymous said...

Ok! I viewed the last meeting on line (won't go there to be abused). It was obvious that the agenda had been set (and not the one that was written) by the trio in their secret meeting before the meeting. When it came time for the open comments from the public They were getting frustrated because the opposing comments were being made and the smiling when those that agreed with them spoke. They just went through the motions of carrying out the written agenda. Anyone opposed to any item of the agenda was shot down. Then toward the end of the meeting. Pam looked at Scott and they both smiled. Item not on agenda or reported as an addition to the agenda at the beginning of the meeting was brought up: Support of Palm Beach County getting the Atlanta Braves here. Resolution read. Was I shocked? NO WAY.
This is the way they do business. They do not follow the rules. Then they shoot McVoy down like he is a piece of shit. Not surprised because he is not allowed to know what they are doing in their private meetings, he never knows what is going to be brought up at the meeting and anything he brings up is immediately shot down without discussion. Ryan Maier is treated the same way. Is this a democracy, HELL NO. IT IS A DICTATORIAL WAY OF DOING THINGS. They must be related to Hitler or studied his way of doing things.