Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Employee Raises - Lake Worth

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We get it.  Lake Worth employees are angry.  They haven't received a raise in eight years.  Even the raise that this commission voted in for them will cost this city almost $1 million, nearly twice what we received in added ad-valorem taxes for this year's operating budget.

At 1:43 one morning, someone came on this blog and tried to post totally false assumptions on the employee retirement matter.  One question he/she asked was why didn't our former city manager give them raises in 2010. The writer was placing the blame on all the wrong people and was irate. It's easy to blame the "other guy."

If you check, we are not the only city that has not given raises in 8 years.  It is all across the country.  The State of Florida employees have not had a raise in eight years either. We had a major recession/depression not too many years ago and it has been a slow climb. The City of Lake Worth can't afford these unfunded liabilities and that's a fact.

The General Employees Retirement System (GERS) was established in 1996 and is a Defined Benefit Plan. From what I can ascertain, another Plan came into effect in 2010 and all new hires were to be under the new plan going forward. But my understanding, and it is confusing as I am not directly involved and know nothing about union contracts, is that the city now wants to eliminate the original plan of 1996 altogether which affects many employees and promises made by the City.

As a conservative, I believe that it is imperative that any business or municipality work within its budget, not spending more money than it receives in revenues and not paying our bills from savings.  Simple premise. But, how do we not stand by a promise. Let's figure it all out, Lake Worth, but be fair.

The above graph's figures have changed slightly to 33.60% Controllable or $10.4 million and 66.40% Non-Controllable or $20.6 million. It's a "living document" we have been told.

The next time the city and union reps meet is April 19 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at City Hall.

Palm Beach Post article of today. 


Anonymous said...

Im all for a contract moving foward thats fair but ripping contracts away from all before 2010 people is not fair. A promise is promise

Anonymous said...

Im sure then pull money from other accounts. They spend millions on other stuff. Why not devote something to the people who do the work?

Anonymous said...

The 19th will be a big moment. Either the city will honor their word or shatter any remaining morale for the employees. Im sure many faithful employees will resign if they lose their pension. You know what's funny, the cm, lawyer n hr director arent planning on sticking around for retirement so why would they really care who it hurts. That cm and Maxwell are boosum buddies. Two pigs playing in the mud together sloppin around. Treat your people right!

Anonymous said...

If there is no agreement to be made on the pension topic between the city and the union, why not close up the rest of the contract to which both sides have essentially agreed upon? The city couid avoid tying up the rest of its employees from getting their raises, and they couid do exactly what they're doing right now with the IBEW Union, continuing to negotiate pension issues with a ratified agreement. The city could very well put an end to their strife with the employees this way, but they are being heavy-handed in their approach. Those employees without raises that have gone 8 plus years without that or a COLA would fully support that alternative, even without retro pay. Seems like the best compromise to make before spending money on lawyers in an arbitration case.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you @ 4:34 give everyone that lil raise and negotiate the pension separately but the city has refused that notion. The palm beach post even published a article with City of Lake Worth head lawyer, Glenn Torcivia, stating that to the fact. They are counting on the union to crumble under employee pressure for that raise to forgo the pension. That raise is being used as a weapon for slide of screwing us over in our pension for all time.

HometownMan42 said...

This is so simple and im tired of hearing about it! Just do the right thing and give the people who came in before 2010 their contracts, give everyone the raise and then just hammer out a FAIR contract for everyone who came in after and forward. The whole reason this keeps going round and round is because the city is being JERKS!!! Just do what is right and move on. Its OBVIOUS what is the honest thing to DO!! Clear as DAY!!

Anonymous said...

If the 4% raise will cost the city 1 million. How much is all super high raises the management received plus added bonuses cost the city? No one talks about that. Come on $10,000+ per person a year when they are already making $100,000+ $$$? That alone shows that we must be in such a financial crisis... For example if I were to receive a 4% raise at my current rate of pay that comes out to around $1,300.00 a year more before taxes, insurance, medical, pension and so forth are taken out... so essentially its less than $100 bucks a month more for me. I don't fall into the pre 2010 pension but still I want something to give me incentive to stay or I will just get some experience here and move on just like what everyone else does into a company that actually cares about my employment and self worth. I agree don't take away the 20 pension from everyone before 2010 too. The city just doesn't care about us. Its obvious.

Anonymous said...

Im certain the city is sitting back contimplating, how do we fire Nick? He hasnt personally attacked anyone. He hasnt lied about anything. He didn't say he wont do is job until this is resolved. He said he likes being a Code Officer. So what can we do??? The answer is NOTHING! Just sit back and take it as he exposes all those immoral bastards for what they are! Keep stewing in City Hall ya scum! Good on him!

Anonymous said...

He really kicked up a lot of attention on this huh

Nicholas Petrino said...

I am humbled by the overwhelming support for the employees. Thank you Lynn for keeping up on this topic and creating forum for everyone to express their opinions and concerns. Pending Union advisement, I would like to speak publically at the City of Lake Worth Commission Meeting on 4/19/16 following the negotiations. I am hopeful, due to the outstanding public support, the City will choose to do the right thing and agree to allow the employees prior to 2010 to keep their non-altered pensions and come together to create a fair binding contract moving forward for all post 2010 personnel. To promote as positive work environment for all present and future employees.

Most of the time “Dare to be great moments” only happen in movies. What better “Dare to be great moment” could possibly arise for the City of Lake Worth more than proving once and for all they value the hard work and dedication from their staff? Who have been loyal to not only the City but to the community, lasting through all the trials and tribulations faced with positive attitudes. This is their moment, this is our future. Please do not squander this unique opportunity.

Anonymous said...

Your doing the right thing nick. Being respectful to your superiors and conveying your feelings. Thanks for being as lynn put it on the other post. - a stand up guy -

Anonymous said...

if they cant come to a resolution then it just proves how the city values its people. The ONLY thing holding everything up is the city REFUSING to on honor the pre 2010 contracts, which shows BAD FAITH! Its now 2016 how do we not honor everyone who stayed through everything when they were even told all these years that they were in the 20 to collect plan? So now we are gonna kick their feet out? This is horrible and sad.

LWmanSL said...

What wait? The people who came in before 2010 are right now legally working in their 20 contract? Why the hell not let them stay in it???? This whole predicament is WRONG! All kinds of messed up. Cm & City you are a piece of work to screw over your own people.

Blogger said...

Let me see if I get this right $10.4 million controllable cost as become the City disposable income to squander. Now the City lawyer is saying “I don’t want to say the 20-year plan is dead,” Torcivia said. “But I can’t say that it’s viable unless there are a gazillion changes made to it. If Donald Trump wants to give us $10 million, we can take care of this. Anyone see something wrong with that statement?

I see the Pirate took care of all is mate first and to hell with all the deck hand, Let squander it all and feed them COW CRAP, after all, we won't be around for long.Sad please correct me if I am wrong,how the HELL can there be any TRUST.

Anonymous said...

I would sure like to know where the CM and Directors come up with the $1M costs for raises as these 2 unions are some of the lowest paid employees in the city with the exception of the management group which has become even bigger now that the HR director has been firing people all the time.

Lynn Anderson said...

The figure mentioned was $940,000.

Anonymous said...

The employees pension is not a set amount so to compare it to a pot is inaccurate. Contribution is always growing with interest. The city needs to step up and honor the promise they made. I do not forsee a resolution until they act in good faith. I encourage the public to show up at the negotiation if they want the truth.

Anonymous said...

Do ya think the union stands behind Mr. patrino? Im suprised not more employees have followed suit with him especially since this affects them all. If the Union loses it seems he threw his name on the line for nothing...

Lynn Anderson said...

Standing up for your convictions is always the honorable thing to do no matter what. You can't be a doormat.

Anonymous said...

Win or lose people will know he stood up when no one else had the cojones too. I myself applaud him.

Blogger said...

Nick stand up for is believe and at the end of the day it will not be for nothing,he has given other backbone were they only had wishbone . Yes some will not stand up but as I said a coward given a backbone will defend is right.

Blogger said...

We ask for a Hr Director one that was season and understand union contract, But our CM brought in a Pit Bull who decided to modify our contract and fired employees at will. This is not a Hr Director aka Putt Bull that can be trust and to build trust we need a person who respect employees contractual rights.

Anonymous said...

With all this public out cry if the city doesnt honor their promise it shows they dont care about our opions either

Anonymous said...

Posted on Lake Worth Local Facebook by Tammy P.

"Lake Worth officials (left-right) Water Utility Director Brian Shields, Mayor Pam Triolo, Commissioner Andy Amoroso, City Manager Michael Bornstein watch Triolo cut the ribbon today on North N Street to celebrate the first of a six phase, $17 million water main replacement project. "This is one of the biggest quality of life projects for our residents," Triolo said."

So... $17 Million!!! and you can even keep less than 50 employees in their contracts?? Utter BS! I cant wait to hear Nicks speak in front of the commission. They wont be able to say a word other than, "thank you, next." Two Faced as can be!

Lynn Anderson said...

The city is going to do the best thing for the taxpayers, those who pay the bill. Their job is not to put the city in financial jeopardy. You may get your old contract terms honored but you might not get the raise or any raise in the future.

The city needs to put its cards on the table and show the financial calculations...be totally open and transparent. I don't think they want the world to see what kind of mess we are in. Simply put, they can't afford pensions of any kind unless it is a 401K with NO matching city funds. Just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Completely agree with you Lynn. All the employees I've spoke with have said the pension is worth more than a raise, they value their pension more. I looked on the comments on Tammys post. Its funny how Bob Lepa & Judy Reynolds are so one sided against McVoy and Maier... Such blind people.

Anonymous said...

It’s a tough situation. If they keep their word and honor those contracts that is the right thing to do for those deidicated employees. If they no longer issue raises than what incentive to people have to even come work here? It’s a double edged sword. Either way they should give those people their contracts and figure out a not only sustainable and viable plan moving forward. It all comes back to the age old question.. if theres no money where are the funds coming from for the 17 million dollar pipe project also the Upper management outlandish raises? To many unanswered questions im sure Nick will bring up if he gives a speech.

Lynn Anderson said...

Bob Lepa called me a TERRORIST while speaking at the city commission last year. He is totally on the other side of politics and the city can't do anything wrong in his opinion. He is a financial advisor at Wells Fargo--watch your money. :) That's a joke, Bob.

Lynn Anderson said...

@8:32--I believe that it's coming from our Capital Improvements Fund as well as various grants.

Anonymous said...

Giving up the financial records is like giving up the whole kitchen for discussion not only a cup in the cabinet that's half full, meanwhile the fridge is fully stocked. Lets make it work Lake Worth.

HometownMan42 said...

You know what... if the city really cared they would have came to the table with the intentions of honoring their promise and resourced areas to find funds for the employees. This whole issue would have been a done deal, moved on. All this back and forth clearly shows that is not the intentions of this City. So how do you think an employee feels about pride of work knowing this?

Lynn Anderson said...

You guys are beating your head against a wall. This is the city attorney's tactic for just about everything. Stall, stall and stall some more. In the meantime, if anything is settled, over half a fiscal year will be gone. Just think of the money they have saved not paying you. Perhaps at the next meeting, if they have a lot of push back from the public, they will come up with a fair plan.

Hometown1 said...

Agreed Lynn. Its disconcerting that this situation is even happening in the first place. Not honoring contracts shouldn't even be a thought. Hopefully more than 3 employees show up at the next negotiation. All the staff are unbelievably upset but none of them have as "Blogger" said, "the backbone" to do anything about it. Instead they're waiting for someone else to fight for them. If everyone's future is at stake why not stand up unified together? Scared? Well grow some or sit back and take what the city is dishing out!

Anonymous said...

United we stand, divided we fall

Blogger said...

We understand the City stalling tactic when they decided to use Lawyers to negotiate.
We were patient then and we continue to do so and we got nothing out of it, our members have past anger while the City have done everything possible to keep up the pressure. We continue doing our job for Lake Worth while looking at how City officials squander away taxpayers money.

Now the City is trying to make it look like we are the unreasonable one asking for a promise a pension that they say is no longer affordable,Why the City will not open it book to the public and show us what they cannot afford we have said that we can work together to achieve a pension that is sustainable and we both can live with it.

We did not bring any lawyers to the table because we are negotiating in goog faith but we cannot continue this never ending BULL CRAP.

Anonymous said...

In all honestly. We the employees want to be proud again to work for Lake Worth. We want Pride of Work. We want to build a future here for our families and put forth extra effort to make this City Great. But if you want us to be devoted to you, devote yourself to us. It’s a two-way street not a highway and a bike path. On the 19th please agree to let us keep our pensions and work out a deal fair to all future employees.

Anonymous said...

Whether there are 3 employees at the union negotiation or 133, the city doesn't care about any of that. They will not weaken their bargaining position because the room is filled, you bargain in good faith and when that doesn't work you let an independent arbiter look at the facts and make a determination. At least the city will have to provide factual justification that they probably have not been fully providing to the union. No one wants the city to spend beyond their means or to exhaust fully their unfunded liabilities. At the very least, however, if the city is looking for a true partner to tackle this difficult issue, then truly make them your partner by sharing factual data and allowing the unions to perform their own actuarial study so that they can atleast be working from the same set of facts. The union wants what's best for the city, but they don't want to be insulted, disrespected and patronized for sacrificing for the good of the city. Allow the Union to be true partners by bargaining respectfully and treat the employees with some dignity.

Nicholas Petrino said...

I will be speaking publically on April 19th 2016 at the City of Lake Worth Commission Meeting at 6:00pm. Not only as an advocate for the employees but as a man who chooses to lead by actions. When I signed my name on the letter addressed to the City Officials, I hoped that it would show my peers they do not have to be scared to stand up for their rights. In adhering to my personal beliefs, I hope that if my daughters ever come across a situation they are passionate about they will stand proudly, while others kneel. To stand up for others is to stand up for yourself. If the City chooses to honor their promises it will immensely inspire morale amongst the employees to which my speech will be one of Unity and Compassion.

“If you don’t stand for something, do you really stand for anything?”

Lynn Anderson said...

Thanks, Nicholas-
I agree with your attitude 100%. You will always be a winner because of it.

Anonymous said...

Ill be there for sure!! Go Get em! just speak the truth. he better have facts not opinions. judging by the words he uses in writing he knows what hes doing and will rip them apart! Its bout time.

Anonymous said...

Count me in I want to the city get a black eye! Its about time an employee stands up! Has this ever happened before to where a workers speaks in a open forum for all????

Anonymous said...

Please wont the city do the right thing already? Its sad its come this far to where an employee has to put his job on the line to fight for what he was already promised and has been working 10 years towards!!!!!!!!!!!! Honoring their contracts would be huge step forward for employer employee relations. if the city squanders it, theyre sending a huge negative message to everyone.

Anonymous said...

I am an employee I want what I signed up for or hell I wouldn't have stayed here for crap pay all these years! If the union caves im over this, time to find a job with a strong union and a employer that cares about the people! What a waste of 8 years just be stressed out over all this...

Anonymous said...

a mans word means everything, its who they are. If the city goes back on their word that shows who they are.

Anonymous said...

all of you whiners should find another job and get the hell out of town.

Jeffery Clemit said...

@ ANON 8:53, whinners huh. Why dont you put your name on it anon.. Coward. I dont even work for the city but i can tell whats happening to the employees is wrong

Anonymous said...

@ 8:53pm, Some people are just born either deaf, dumb or blind. Looks like you got all 3.