Saturday, April 2, 2016

Comments about Atlanta Braves at John Prince Park

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Some of the comments on the Post article regarding the Atlanta Braves at John Prince Park:

This is a really bad idea especially for the LW commissioners to be pushing.

This is the fitness area with the new exercise center and the main walking path. This park is intensely used from dawn to dusk 7 days a week all year long by a broad spectrum of county residents for biking, walking, and nature lovers.

 This is also the exact area where the Great Horned Owls nest every year. If this is allowed it will also bring in 100 foot high light poles. How will this effect the birds and wildlife in the oldest Palm Beach County pubic park?
 Why not find a non-public park for the folks who want to bring in more baseball teams? Let the team owners purchase the land and pay to build their stadium themselves instead of always having their hand out asking for the working class residents of PBC to pay their bills.

All for the want of a buck. This isn't about a fantasy weekend in the park with the family. Like all big ball sports it's money on and off the field. Over priced, over paid and over hyped just to sell shoes. Put in Belle Glade where they really need a financial boost.

People, this is not a major league stadium generating traffic for 20,000 fans daily on average. It is a 7,000 seat stadium and is near capacity for only half of the time during the 4 week spring training period. If a minor league plays there, which has not been mentioned, it will only fill about 800 to 1,500 seats per game. This is in the making folks and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Bring on the Braves and play spring ball in 2018! 

Just say NO to the billionaire Atlanta Braves taking over any amount of acreage at John Prince Park. The county commission has a nerve to even suggest it not to mention Scott Maxwell and city manager Mike Bornstein from lake Worth pushing for it.


I am not only concerned about the environmental destruction of our JJP and the increased traffic on 10th, Congress, and Lake Worth Road.  I have concerns about the air planes that are continuously flying way too low to land or take off from the Lantana Airport.  There have also been several plane crashes over the past several years in JPP, the airport and the surrounding area. I used to work at JFK and there had been many times that we thought we were going to be hit by a plane flying too low.  A few people picnicking at the park would stand a chance of avoiding be hit by a plane but a stadium full of people stand no chance.  They have since changed the direction of the runways. This is also a flight school and many of the people learning to fly are the ones that are flying way too low.  I am also concerned about the ambulances being able to arrive and leave JFK Medical Center.  This will definitely decrease response time rates if there is increased traffic on Congress Avenue. .Therefore we have many reasons that it is not a good idea to put a baseball stadium in this area. We are not just being stubborn we have genuine concerns. 

@JAnneGreene Get educated lady, read govtmules post above or better yet attend a spring training game in Jupiter and feel the positive vibe.


jgreene said...

to living large: I am very educated, unlike you. Been to the games loved them but not at the expense of others or wildlife.

Anonymous said...

Why build a - "7,000 seat stadium that will be near capacity for only half of the time during the 4 week spring training period. If a minor league plays there, which has not been mentioned, it will only fill about 800 to 1,500 seats per game."?? Sounds like the white elephant of Lake Worth.

Anonymous said...

there is a large number of travel/showcase (14 -16-18 year old) teams and leagues that would love to play in a stadium venue. there are tournaments almost every weekend year round. the field could possibly stay busy whenever the Braves aren't using it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Living Large with the probable teenie weenie, Put this new stadium in Jupiter with you,don't destroy a public park!

Anonymous said...

Scottie wouldn't be able to drive his golf cart there.