Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Diane Jacques - Highlights at the NAPV forum/debate

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Anonymous said...

i want to support diane but there is something off about her that i can't put my finger on.....hopefully she sways me over time

Lynn Anderson said...

Give Diane a call and have her stop by.

Anonymous said...

We cannot keep heading in the direction we are headed in now. The only job Pam ,Andy and Scot have is representing the people. All three have failed to do this. They do the will of city staff and city manager Mike Bornstein .Pam,Andy and Scott have lied to the people about critical issues here in Lake Worth. Two terms in enough to know that these three are not moving our city forward. Time for some new direction.

Anonymous said...

. Right, and you know damn well that if the 3 stooges get back in the
first thing to go will be our beach. Then it will be their beach,
ripe for development. We can count on it.
The voters need to know this.
Maybe that is why they actually seem to be making even HH
abide by their rules on the Gulfstream site plan right now. No construction
firm has been hired, and they had a problem with abiding by our
specifications for walls surrounding the building project. Objected
because it might cost them "20-30 thousand dollars." Old WW
actually said that doesn't matter--they still have to comply.
Also Lynn, is the $50,000 for a parking and feasibility study still
on hold awaiting the word from the commission to commence?
That clearly shows intent to build if it is still in the pipeline.
I think we need to clearly hone in on this since all challengers
clearly picked up on the fact that the majority of citizens do not
want more development on the beach; and the three stooges
are all for it--just not openly until post electionAnd has anyone told you thanks today for all you do. I do so
appreciate you being an alternate voice of truth for us
of the lake worthless dregs who are not developers.
I'm sure it can be frustrating. You're heart's in it, don't
let them take your peace. You kind of stand in battle in
print for all of us

Anonymous said...

I liked her attitude, her presentation, and her priorities. She definitely has my vote! I will give credit to anyone willing to step up and get into the ring with this bunch of pit bulls with magadevelopment dollars ready to pounce and tear you down. It's a well oiled machine;... and ruthless out of the sunshine.

I did meet with her and she is very engaging and personable. Highly intelligent and articulate. She also has that down to earth commonsense quality in person. And a great sense of humor. I think all the newcomers may have been a tad nervous as this is their first exposure. I know I sure would be;..I'm not a professional politician.
She is someone I can identify with; she has my priorities that are important to me as a citizen. Safety, and quality of life are more important than catering to developers, squandering our beach, and spending one third of our taxes on their beloved Park of Commerce. And most important: she wants to actually represent US. Not this grand "VISION" of magadevelopment and gentrification. I really want to see her win.