Last night this forum was held at the gorgeous Lake Worth Golf Course. The candidates were seated in alphabetical order. At one point during the forum, it was announced by Darrin Engel, president of the Bryant Park Neighborhood Association, that candidate for mayor, Diane Jacques, had a previous commitment and could not attend the forum.
Andy Amoroso: In talking about the casino, he said that this is the first year we have started to pay back the loan to ourselves and that the building needs to pay for itself. Also we inherited a bad business plan--everything leaks. He said that the recent Ordinance that he helped pass was not about the Homeless but rather it was about safety. When talking about the Sober Homes issue, he said that he didn't think that his opponent had talked to the Sober Homes at all. He said that "people will be knocking on your doors telling you that he wants to privatize our beach. That's a lie." Gave the PBSO a 9.5 out of 10 rating.
Ryan Hartman: He will value the opinion of every single resident. We have increasing crime and need to tackle crime reduction, have safer streets and have more transparency in city government. Listening to the people is a top priority. Says that we need to advertise our pool and that this is an amenity that does not necessarily have to be profitable. We need to keep our entire beach 100% public. We need the city to go forward and there will be no homeless camp in Bryant Park or any park. Gave the PBSO a 7 rating.
Scott Maxwell: Was against the rebuilding of the casino and said that the money could have been spent at the Park of Commerce. We are losing hundreds of thousands of dollars a year on the pool. Until we fix that building, it will be very difficult to market and pay the bills. The casino was to pay for itself; it hasn't. Says he is proud of lowering the electric rates and we are now the 4th lowest in the state of Florida. Gave the PBSO an 8-9 rating.
Frank McAlonan: Says it's all about team work--the best team works together. To make the beach park more profitable, parking rates should go up during the season on tiered rates. Fixing our roads could be done for $20 million--take the money that's been allocated from the Park of Commerce. On the recent Ordinance regarding opening and closing time for public property, he said that he would not have passed an Ordinance that could put us into a lawsuit and that people need to read an Ordinance before passing it. He is working with a group on solutions for the Homeless. Gave the PBSO a 9 rating.
Pam Triolo: Working hard to help Lake Worth realize its full potential...don't listen to the rhetoric or sound bytes--I offer real solutions, she said. On the casino, she said that the upstairs space is in litigation because of faulty workmanship and they can't rent it. Our beach will always be public. Says that there is still no Certificate of Occupancy. Nothing we can do about Sober Homes. Says she is still working on roads. Said that she was the only homeowner when actually there are three others who own their own home (Gary's is in his wife's name). Gave the PBSO a 9.5 rating.
Last night's sky seen from the Lake Worth Golf Course
Did you see that paper that mysteriously appeared about stopping of payment of city taxes and go to the county. It was about disbanding the city.
The pool litigation should have been taken care of three years ago EXCEPT that the trio hates the beach and wants to use the "it's broken" excuse to turn over the bldg to Hudson Holdings. As for our pool-how in the hell can it make money if it's hardly open/ And the hours it is open are when most people are at work or in school!
And yes,very clever, we know you are not giving away the beach.Not even Hudson could cart away the sand! It's the casino bldg complex and our pool that the trio is trying to destroy!
Blast from the past,remember William waters quote from the secret ITN meetings-I would recommend we do not have any kind of PUBLIC MEETING until after the election. If we have a PUBLIC MEETING ,and it gets out,,,you can say goodbye to Szerdi.
Election tampering anyone?
Yes, I have a copy of the tpyed sheet that had a headliner that said: Stop Paying City Taxes.
It was unsigned. Therefore, it will not get any attention here.
I think they all were way too generous in their rating of PBSO. I'd give them a 5, and don't understand how that get a 9 or a 9.5 when we all no crime is going up and that PBSO basically ignores the issues at the Plaza. Really, nothing can be done about sober homes? Come on Pam, you know we can enforce our short term rental law which would help. And she is the only homeowner? I thought she was selling her home.
Did no one tell these hosts that Jacques has been on her death bed with viral pneumonia and was in the hospital for a week struggling to breathe? I guess no one told them. She's still under medical care.
Diane Jacques declined due to a conflict with her teaching schedule at PB State- at least that's what she told the host Bryant Park Neighborhood Assoc... No one I've talked to has heard she was not feeling well... Whatever the story, I hope she gets better and can make the next debate, I'd like to her what she has to say
Your photo tells all, Lynn.
The candidates surrounded by Marty Welfield and Jon Faust. They were joined by heckler Greg Rice at a front table.
This event was a staged love fest for the arrogant, self promoting incumbents who in their statements allege the City has "recovered" under their watch.
Their BS is boring and inaccurate.
Ryan Hartman was genuine and generous.
Frank Macalonan called Andy Amoroso out on his PRINTED lies. I trust the people are beginning to remember his arrogance when he was first elected and will vote for Frank on March 15th to rid the city of this lying weasel.
I believe that Andy Amoroso was misinformed on many issues throughout the night or he LIED.
We are not paying back our loan on the casino.
This is the first year we started to pay it back.
People will lie saying he wants to privatize our beach.
Ordinance was not about homeless.
Then later he said that we need to embrace everyone here.
We inherited a bad business plan at the casino.
You've heard a lot of disconnect up here.
My opponent has been here since July.
When proven liar Amoroso mentioned after 4 years occupying our Commission seat,that lake Worth's Casino roof was now leaking ,the elevators are rusty,he admits to total neglect for years,of Lake Worth most popular,valuable Asset,and that we need a replacement,of this damaging City employee,who announces the intention of illegal demolition by neglect.Had it been professionally managed,by competent employees, Ball Room,if in those 4 years of neglect by Commission and other had been appropriately decorated worthy of its prime Ocean front Palm Beach Island location, and restaurant,they would have produced revenue worthy of Palm Beach Island Ocean Beach front Commercial most expensive Real Estate.It would have repaid the Debt for its restoration.City Hall total incompetence has left Lake Worth Citizens with results of gross neglect,and incompetence,a $6,000,000 Debt.
June B.
I'm tired of hearing the incumbents say we inherited a lot of problems (pick your topic, the Casino, code/blight, the pool, streets, crime homelessness, etc.) and therefore vote for me to continue to do nothing?
How many years can they blame current problems on past administrations. If there are defects in the Casino why has it taken years to bring claims against builder> Why would you neglect this asset unless you wanted to give it away to HH?
Why would anyone vote for an incumbent who basically says over and over again, I can't problem solve b/c of the prior CM or b/c of prior administration, yes I've been on the dias for 3 years but I simply couldn't make any progress even though I was part of majority. Even if I don't like the folks challenging the incumbents, and I'm not crazy about the options, I'd rather vote for someone new who is putting forth ideas rather than saying we can't do anything about sober homes, we can't do anything a whole list of issues b/c we are somehow constrained by prior decision makers. I've voted for Andy in the past but I don't think he gets my vote this time around.
This will be their third term. If you recall, one term was extended by 4 months or so.
I notice that now facing election all the incumbents suddenly are against privatization of the beach?? What's up with that? Or is it just word games meaning they are not going to be selling sand. For three who really went to a lot of trouble wrangling extended secret meetings (ITN)and involving the IG--YOU SURE COULD HAVE FOOLED ME! Damn sure looked like they were swinging a deal with good old HH any way possible. Flip flop 'til you drop. Even Scott Maxwell of the supreme belief that the beach property will never be able to pay for itself; he's not for swinging a private deal suddenly. I'll bet that lasts at least till March 16--
I thought Ryan presented himself very well in spite of the hostility thrown at him by Andy. He certainly looked and acted more professional and authentic. Both Andy and Pam seemed a bit hot under the collar to me. Maybe getting nervous they might topple?
It's a shame that Diane got deathly ill and had to be hospitalized. I honestly thought Andy and Pam were very self-assured with no worries. Andy needs to get the facts. Pam has always been a cheerleader and believes she has offered many solutions and has implemented same to "move our city forward."
Ryan did a great job and challenged one incumbent for saying a lie that he wanted to turn Bryant Park into a homeless center. Where do these people come up with this stuff? He was quick on his feet and is not rattled.
...and the mayor threw fuel on the fire telling us about more of the cities illegal signs! The city doesn't obey it's own rules but only the citizens have a list of punishments when they disobey! Ultimately this trio approved the 'taking' of homesteaded Houses for 10 in of grass. Pushing mortgage/construction liens below
City, County & State fines.
see 1.8.13 Ordinance 2013-01 pg 162
"...required by law to cut...weeds, grasses or other vegetation
over ten (10) inches in height...special assessment lien against the property...
lien shall be coequal with the lien of all state, county,
district, and municipal taxes and superior in dignity to mortgages
and all other liens, irrespective of the date of the recording of the
municipal lien or the date of the recording of any mortgage or any
other lien on real property. A failure to pay said lien, even such
lien upon homesteaded property, may result in a loss of title to
your property."
" is empowered to enter upon and inspect lots on which a
nuisance is suspected to exist. Any code inspector shall be immune
from prosecution, civil or criminal, for reasonable, good faith entry..."
Yes, that's a lot of lies for one night.
The casino building definitely supports itself.
A loan payment was made in 2014 and 2015. And there's a $1 million fund balance. So why don't you just pay the loan, Andy??
He wants private development on our beach. He can play semantics if he wants to, but people aren't stupid.
Bad business plan? Operating profits in 2014 and 2015 and one million in the bank. Does that sound like a failed business plan to you??
Frank moved to Lake Worth in June 2014. So what?
Andy said that Frank moved her in June, indicating it was last year or 2015. He lied by not telling the entire truth. I didn't realize that Andy was such a liar until that debate and reading his flyer.
once again andy is running for the little money to pay off major debt
pam and andy on the way out
They have a lot of money in their campaign accounts. This will be a tough race. Right now, Pam has a big edge since Diane is sick. And they are both incumbents--harder to beat.
Did anyone get a PAC Yes mailer with "this is your polling place" information post card? I received one and the information was actually wrong on it (outdated polling place information), was this done purposefully to try and send people to the wrong polling place? Or maybe they just had old info, it had my old polling place not my current one.
You must have missed my blog of last week-
The information for me was accurate.
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