Thursday, May 28, 2015

Who would believe that crime is down in Lake Worth?

The answer to the title of this blog is--a politician.

In Lake Worth, we had 120 less crimes in 2014 than we did in 2013 according to PBSO. Big whoopie because no one is feeling any significant difference. That's because there isn't any.  Every year we get this same report that crime is down.

And now politicians are drooling at the lip and delighted as all get-out!  Great PR. The mayor is quoted as saying: The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office recently assigned additional officers to an operation to combat crime. Those extra officers have been working the late shift, normally from 10 p.m. to about 6 a.m., when many crimes occur. “That extra push is going to help us quite a bit,” Triolo said. “They’re focusing on those late-night burglaries.” At a neighborhood meeting, a deputy told us that the vast majority of burglaries take place during the day.

The Vice Mayor, Scott Maxwell, who ran on eliminating slum and blight, was even more profound when he said,  “Unfortunately we have some undesirable elements in our city and some blighted neighborhoods. Even though crime is down overall, and that’s a great trend, that’s still not good enough. We have to stay more diligent and keep after it.”

Read about it...

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