Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Farcical Demonstration

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Five showed up and it quickly dwindled down to three, leaving Mark, his mother and Debbie Parrish.  But he was going to stick up for what he believes is right, by golly. Serge Jerome and John Szerdi came late. Serge was still telling us what's wrong with us for not understanding anything and why he lost--he's black.  Even Ed Deveaux understood the issue--innocent until proven guilty and beside, he told me, Mrs. McNamara was a product of discrimination in Indonesia and knows all about how it feels.  "Show me the proof," he said.  Mark's mother, while being interviewed by the Lake Worth Tribune, was asked why her sign had the word "nigger" on it since they are so upset with that word even being uttered.  Mark told his mother not to talk to the press, "You know how that gets you into trouble," he said. There were more people there supporting Dee McNamara or certainly the premise that this entire episode was caused by the city manager based on hearsay, than those who were trying to conjure up racism. In America everyone has the right to free speech and making fools of themselves even if they don't believe in the Constitution for all. I was told that Channel 12 did an interview and Parrilla lied through his teeth accusing all of us as being racists.


Anonymous said...

Incredibly SHAMEFUL,Mark Parilla!. The only proof of the "N" word being used is by Retha Lowe and Commissioner Andy Amoroso saying it in a city Commission meeting and on a disgusting sign worn by Mark Parilla's MOTHER! So there is proof that the people leading the lynch mob against Ms. Mcnamara have used the "N" word. But there is NO PROOF that Ms. MCNAMARA, the object of their rabid hatred, used the word when speaking to a Lake Worth employee.Does anybody else think that these people,led by city manager Mike Bornstein and the editor of the Half-Baked Herald are ass-backwards IDIOTS ????

Anonymous said...

I don't think Mark lied, read some of Dee's Facebook posts, if you can't find them, I am sure TOB has copies he will be more than happy to share with you. Did you not get a copy of the interesting read that Peggy was passing out at the last commission meeting, if you did not get a copy of that Inwill be happy to share it with you. Dee discriminates against Everyone, black white, gay, see does not care who it is. I just do not understand after all tees years why you still defend her?

Anonymous said...

So true! Why would they even wear a sign with that on it. Not many people want to be associated with his once you get to know him. Full of cynicism and vile words for those who dont agree with him. Maybe he will go to church and learn toleration, and love

Lynn Anderson said...

@9:24. No one said that Mark had lied. Mark took it on himself to be judge, jury and executioner on something that could not be proved. That IS the story.
Happy Easter.

Anonymous said...

Even channel 12 knew this was put on by some far-out kooks. They didn't run it. No support for a farce by local haters. Serge Jerome and John Szerdi--all I can say is, it's no wonder you lost.

Anonymous said...

Not in defense of Dee specifically- In defense of the fact that the city manager Mike Bornstein or a city employee can run to the editor of the Half-Baked Herald,tell him a he-said she-said story WITH NO PROOF and it gets FRONT PAGE COVERAGE !!!!!

Lynn Anderson said...

Expect this little group NOT to receive the message that love is greater than hate.

atelise said...

P.S. My daughters all say the N word with their friends, all colors, who say it, in their songs, and on their game machines and on their blogs. None of their teenaged friends seem to have a problem with the word and they are wondering why the adults are criticizing other adults for saying it. For them, it's just a word and there's not cruel meaning behind it. Their black friends call them crackers, honky's and all manner of names and no one is mad or protesting. We could take a lesson from the kids. Are the kids, now, the only one's with the right to free speech? Do we lose that right when we turn 21? Will they? My daughter, upon hearing of the rucus, declared, she did not want to grow up, if it meant she couldn't speak her mind anymore.