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"We'll be the first to admit we have problems. But we are getting better."
~ Michael Bornstein, City Manager Lake Worth
Statement made to the Palm Beach Post (today's paper) after the Internal Auditor discovered cellphone abuse with one cellphone even used by a dead person, city vehicle abuse, handling of cash abuse and some area restaurant caterers to the Casino given preferential treatment and put on a bartering system. The "free lunch" mentality is alive and well and even sanctioned in Lake Worth by this commission--but they're "getting better." Aarg!
I'd love to see that line given by a citizen to the Magistrate! Wouldn't work w/her and shouldn't work for the Pirate either!
He's the guy at the helm of this ship. What is it, the Titanic?
Isn't hiring an internal auditor a good start to getting better? That's a lot better than the best city manager and best commission ever did when it came to filling a required position. They didn't do anything at all. I guess that's what you and your friends like. People that do nothing.
What the Charter says:
The Charter says that the appointive officers shall be the city manager, city attorney, internal auditor, city clerk, police chief, fire chief, and such other officers as may be provided for by ordinance. Any of the above officers which are, or may become, under civil service shall be subject to civil service regulations. All of the appointive officers under the charter, except the city manager, city attorney, and internal auditor shall be appointed by the city manager and all appointive officers shall hold office subject to provisions of law.
The Internal Auditor position is in the Charter but the Commission does not have to fund it.
The Internal Auditor is uncovering the lies, Lynn.. HELLO???!!!!
Was I talking about the IA? The IA had these reports ready in JANUARY. He just now was allowed to give them to the Commission. Why is that???????????????
I am happy he is "uncovering the lies." Actually there is a more descriptive and accurate word for what he uncovered here--fraud and lack of management oversight. Let's put more teeth into the investigations and get them out in a timely fashion.
You sure you want to get the investigations out in the light of day? You really want to see your "best city manager" and the "best commission ever" names in the news for fraud and corruption?
I guess you're talking to me anonymous? I say, let the chips fall where they may.
We will find out under whose watch all this corruption occurred and why the abuse did not cease sooner than now. How come department heads were allowed to get away with this? Who was watching the store? Stanton was fired because she was micro-managing too closely and staff complained to the guy with the biggest ears and the one who hated her the most as she put him right in his place.
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