Monday, June 16, 2014

Our Leader

Comment Up


Johnny Appleseed said...

Three words: Watch.This.Drive.

Partisans have the shortest memories ever. Or they're just hypocrites.

Lynn Anderson said...

You're partisan. So, which is it for you?

You know, I think it is easy to see that current policies are failing across the board.

Anonymous said...

"Oooooh, the Lord is good to me, and so I thank the Lord, for giving me the things I need, the sun and the rain and the appleseed. The Lord is good to me. Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen."

Anonymous said...

Obama is oblivious . He really has no idea of what to do. the only J.V. team around is Obama's team.

Anonymous said...

Obama-The radical Muslims Trojan Horse.

Johnny Appleseed said...

You should clarify your comment policy to make it clear that ANY comments that you don't agree with will be culled from the discussion. My last comment was well within your posted policy and you still deleted it.

While it's evident and understandable that you're not interested in an intelligent exchange of ideas here, perhaps you should let your readers know that.

Lynn Anderson said...

Well, Johnny, your last comment was deleted because you think you can use my blog to insult me. Ain't going to happen. You want to call people unpatriotic because they don't like this president? That's over one-half of the country right now. You want intelligent debate? Start by using your real name. Then we can continue. Otherwise anything you say, especially your snarky snide remarks against me or readers here, are basically worthless to me and UNINTELLIGENT. Thanks.

Johnny Appleseed said...

I suppose it's much more dignified to insult people and question their patriotism because they like President Obama, right? But you can do that because it's your blog and you like Allen West because you're an Independent. I get that.

As far as the belief that using my name opens the floodgates for intelligent conversation here, I'll bite. My name is Jim Merriweather. Do I get extra intelligent conversation if I tell you where I live? And can I still use the name "Johnny Appleseed" when I visit here? Or does that just dumb down the conversation among all these anonymous commenters?

Lynn Anderson said...

Thanks. Whatever your name is, you are anonymous to me...I don't know you. We all have different opinions. This is a conservative blog. If you don't like my views, why come over here? Is it just to dumb me down and falsely question my patriotism?

Johnny Appleseed said...

Well, since you asked I'll answer.

A whole generation of Americans has been hoodwinked by a "news" station that tells them lies and scares them while selling them gold futures, reverse mortgages, and cheap catheters. This generation, while proud, fought to keep segregation and used separate drinking fountains for years without questioning them. They're old now and scared to see the America they grew up in slowly changing into something that their loyal news station depicts as scary and unAmerican, conveniently forgetting this great country's history and proud tradition of absorbing wave after wave of immigrants desperate for a new beginning.

It's, of course, so much more than that with all the social and political issues involved but the bottom line is that the above discussed generation has firmly latched on to that thinking and is now spreading this news station's talking points and smears through modern technology. The good news is that probably only 20% of Republicans actually believe this rubbish and is oblivious to the ride that the far right is taking them on.

I'm doing my small part to expose this misinformation and the anti-intellectual thinking that these 20%'ers are comfortable least amongst themselves. Like this cute golf post that totally ignores Bush swinging the club mere days after America suffered our largest terrorist attack ever. It's a minor point, for sure, but it should provoke the reader to ask, "If it was okay for Bush to do it, why isn't it okay for this president to do it?" You know, intelligent thinking.

Maybe you and your readers and followers will learn something...maybe not. But at least I'm doing something other than watching a whole generation slowly succumb to the biggest dumbing down campaign ever commenced.

Lynn Anderson said...

You are welcomed to your opinion.

Ask yourself this--Obama is playing golf while people are being beheaded? This has nothing whatsoever to do with Bush, someone ya'll just can't get over. Obama has had 6 years to make a difference and make this country "better." It hasn't been we little 20% conservatives that have held him back.

There are many young Republicans. You are denying the truth. You don't like "old" people? The college Republican club alone has over 250,000 members and growing every day because they are seeing that their future is bleak under socialism and a country lead by a young guy with the gift of gab who was going to change the status quo.

According to Nielsen Ratings, Fox News dominates as the most-watched cable news channel among both total viewers and Adults 24-54. I suppose age 54 is "old" in your book too? So don't bother to denigrate my generation. YOU don't get any points for that.

Johnny Appleseed said...

My point is this: if you're going to demand something of one President (say, no playing golf when national emergencies are going on) why would you not demand that of all Presidents? It is not an intellectually sound way of thinking. It's like criticizing someone for having a "Muslim-looking beard" while embracing someone else who has a "Muslim-looking beard." Which, as you know, has also been done by Republicans.

I don't have anything against old people. I'm an "old person" myself, if 54 is old (yes, we're the same age) but it's a fact that the average age of Fox News viewers is over 70 years old. Those folks have had a whole different experience in their lives with a variety of social issues that are changing today. They look at things differently and Fox News exploits that with their scare tactics.

Do you what socialism is? Do you know what capitalism is? Do you know that the stock market has more than doubled under Obama? Do you know that stock markets based upon capitalism do not thrive like that in socialistic society? Do you understand that the word "socialism" is being used by the right wing to scare those people predisposed into thinking that something bad is happening when there is plenty of evidence to the contrary? One last thing: compare the tax rates on the richest % of Americans today with what it was under Reagan...just for fun.

Obama has actually accomplished a heck of a lot when you consider that an entire political party backed by a news station and numerous radio stations and a few billionaires worked against him 24/7. Heck, they were willing to bring America to her knees for their politics and it still didn't work. Despite all that, he has prevailed in a number of areas.

I really do appreciate the conversation. We see things differently for different reasons but I think it's important to see things in an intellectually sound and logical manner. I honestly don't see that happening on the right these days. And I say that as a registered Independent who is pro-life and pro-national defense. Fox News and the Tea Party has led the GOP over a cliff that is going to take them years to climb back up. They can never win general elections and will continue to rely on state and local races with customized districts to continue to have a presence in national politics.

Lynn Anderson said...

That's what makes this country so wonderful--we can agree to disagree. The facts speak for themselves. You can't really compare one minute in time to what is happening now, not only on our borders but in the mid-East. The market has doubled because banks are not paying anything on money. This, too, will fluctuate as it always does.

You may be an "independent," but what you are is a socialist which has delivered nothing more than poverty, misery, and tyranny.

The only things driving us over the cliff is Obama and the left-wing liberals and socialists. Just take a look at what's happened.