Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ordinance says NO pets are allowed at the Lake Worth beach

Months and months ago, Juan Ruiz, Recreation Manager said, "Dogs at the beach are prohibited by ordinance. We are trying our best to enforce." This is impossible to believe especially when the city has erected a pet waste dispenser, baggies and all.  It's no wonder people are confused. Is it benign neglect or lack of leadership?

The Ordinance in Section 6-3 (b) under domesticated animals prohibited on public property says: "...it shall be unlawful for the owner or custodian of a domesticated animal to knowingly or unknowingly permit such animal to enter or be upon a playground, school grounds, designated sports fields, cemetery, golf course, beach or casino and the beach parking area, or a road, sidewalk, pedestrian path..."

BUT WHO CLEANS UP THE MESS? As the merchants there now have to clean up in front of their own stores and have hired someone who comes bi-monthly, what about this doggy mess? What would the health department say about this?

Actually, there are many areas at the Casino and beach that are starting to look a little shabby. The casino walkways are in need of pressure cleaning as well as where they have their outside tables and the city needs to address this. Pressure cleaning needs to occur throughout the year. How long has it been? Has it ever been pressure cleaned?

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