Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Free Water Safety Expo Saturday at the Lake Worth Pool

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Tammy Panza says, "Water Safety & Drowning Prevention Expo to be held at the Lake Worth Pool on Oct. 12th from 9:30 AM – 12 PM. Palm Beach County Fire Rescue, Drowning Prevention, Share the Stoke and other organizations will be on hand to educate attendees on the variety of water safety programs. We will also be launching the RedTrunks swim program and announcing its inaugural class.

Admission is "free."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tammy didn't mention the Neighborhood Fun Swim Relay Challenge held in conjunction with the Friend's event Saturday at 10:00 am. I didn't see any entry from the Murry Hills Neighborhood. Do you have swimmers or bobbers? Floaters or sinkers? Anyone that can swim 25 yards? I'm sure you all could come in before the Downtown Jewel N/A.

If you are lucky, you could be "saved" by a life guard. ;-}