People praised Collins for being courageous and heroic. Now, I have to tell you, courage would be announcing you are a gay basketball player in, say, Iran. It does not take courage to state something that will make you a cultural darling.
Collins’ declaration reminds me of the words of Thomas Jefferson: “In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.” So you can bet my not jumping on the Jason Collins bandwagon will draw the ire of those who swim with the current and fawn over what is politically correct in our culture.
~ Allen West
Just another reason why I like Allen West. He is politically incorrect.
Given the way that gays have been and continue to be vilified by some in this country and, in some cases, beaten and killed, I think "coming out" does still take a certain amount of courage...sadly.
As a side note, West commenting on courage is kind of like Michael Moore providing advice on weight control.
Allen West is not politically incorrect, he is one of our greatest and most noble patriots.
Everything he says is the truth and anyone who does not agree is in the camp of the enemy!!
Another liberal progressive I see at 10:49 who just can't take the truth but needs to take jabs at a patriot. I would bet you have never been in the military. LOL, as the Boston bobmer would say.
evry one who voted against West in the last election must be "in the camp of the enemy". that is a big camp here in florida and includes military people.
A military uniform does not a patriot make...just ask a guy named Tim McVeigh.
West was run out of the military for cowardly conduct although I know that many here probably think it's a liberul MSM conspiracy...but it is actually a fact.
Another fact is that gays have been mocked, harassed, beaten, tied up and killed and anyone who is gay these days is at risk...still.
Radical rightists are marginalizing themselves more and more by putting men and politicians like West on pedestals. Any, yes, you are radical right when tea party supporter Rubio is "too soft" for you.
Strict idealogues hardly ever win elections and when they do, they don't last. Watch 2014 and how many tea party governors get tossed. Don't say I didn't tell you so.
Can I just get one person who is not 1) a Democrat 2) not a socialist and 3) not someone who thinks this country is on the right track--which it isn't to post here.
I am a Republican NRA member and I don't think this country is on the right track.
That being said...I think Allen West is a very poor example of our military and our country!
Are you a Democrat?
Are you Patrick Murphy?
I would suggest that Mr. West's comments are about as far off target as they can get.Has he not read about bullied gay teens committing suicide?
The full title of West's post is, "Jason Collins’ Convenient Coming Out – It doesn’t take courage to be gay in today’s America."
Mr. West try telling that to a bullied gay child.
As more visible members of our society "come out" it makes it better for these teens. Like it or not Mr. West an NBA player can be a role model to young gay people. Like it or not Mr. West it deserves attention.
If you read Mr. West's entire post you will see that he is upset that Sgt. First Class Greg Robinson is not getting the attention he should get while enduring a heroic comeback from injuries suffered in Afghanistan. I could not agree with him more on this point. (Lynn you should post the rest of what he wrote about Sgt. First Class Greg Robinson, people need to see it!)
But Mr. West, please do not denigrate one man's actions that are not at all related to the others.
Go raise attention to the plight of the truly heroic members of our armed services. Go raise hell with the media for not covering them more.
But for heaven's sake don't downplay what Jason Collins did. You do a grave injustice with your caviler statement that it's easy to be gay in today's America. Perhaps you can explain how easy it is to the parents of a gay teen who was bullied to the point they took their own life.
Sign me,
Ex Navy / Republican.
America has gotten fed up with the hate and bigotry. The politicians and the people who still favor that approach are either being removed from office or ignored.
You have Col West figured out all wrong. He is not a hater nor a bigot. He does not jump on political bandwagons to get votes. What he said ab out the basketball player did not exhibit hate. You're way off base4.
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