I just read Wes' blog. In it he says, I don't remember the discussion then, but it seems to me that there was some consideration of moving the (golf course) clubhouse to the southern part of the course so that it could be visible from Lake and Lucerne and take advantage of the traffic coming and going over the bridge.
The idea of moving the clubhouse/restaurant was brought up once that I remember by Susan Stanton. It was her belief that moving the clubhouse to the southern part of the course was the best location and she was probably right. There was NO serious consideration of this idea--it would have been cost prohibitive but it was a "wish" in an ideal world.

We still don't market our assets in this city. Signs have been suggested so many times to direct people to our Lagoon Restaurant and golf course that it isn't funny. Does anyone listen? Signs have been suggested for our major entries into LW on 10th Ave N and 6th Ave S for various tourist attractions even our beach. Do you see any? It's business as usual. The mayor should have some good ideas. Let's get them implemented once and for all instead of just talking about it and falling behind the 8 ball.
We never get any report on the Lagoon restaurant and how it is working out. No reports from anyone...is the food better now? Is it clean? Are there any banquets being held in the main dining area? Are they successful? What has the city done to help their success? It seems like another thing that has fallen through the cracks...out of sight, out of mind.
I have been told that we can use bed tax dollars for assets we have located in our city that cater to tourism. Bed tax revenue is supposed to be used to promote tourism. If that is indeed the case, we should apply for tourist bed tax dollars and use the money on our pool and get it opened. Tourists want the pool opened. Instead, it seems that the city wants to let this asset deteriorate until fixing it will, once again, be too costly to ever open. What about using it for our golf course? Is this possible?
We do a poor job marketing this City and all it has to offer. We talk about it but nothing ever gets off the ground.
Thank you! The next time our mayor of one of her Commissioners starts screaming about how we are almost the poorest ,slumiest city in Palm Beach County, can SOMEONE SLAP THE DAMN MICROPHONE AWAY FROM THEIR STUPID FACES?????
You're on point with everything you say, but I think the club house was rebuilt before Susan Stanton's time.
I agree the city should do a much better job marketing itself. We need a full time marketing director.
However there are signs at Federal and 10th Ave N, Federal & 7th Ave N and at 7th Ave N and N Lakeside directing you to the Golf Course and Beach. They have been there for quite awhile now. You should look before you speak so negatively.
Talking about MOVING the clubhouse from its present location to the foot of the LW bridge area, anonymous.
Perhaps those locations are not the most ideal, anonymous. How about Dixie and 10th Avenue north, when you get off the Interstate, and at 6th avenue south when you get OFF the Interstate. These are the streets about which I was speaking.
Perhaps you should read better, anony at 8:41 before you jump to conclusions that are false.
You've posted numerous times in the past- people go to the beach so they can go to the beach. Now you are claiming tourists want the pool opened. The beach seems pretty crowded without the pool open.
How do you know that tourists want the pool open? Are you interviewing tourists? Maybe you're asking them when you act like an ass and harass tourists when they are parking at the beach. Nobody cares about that pool except for you so I'm glad the city can't afford to reopen it.
anonymous at 10:44--
You have a real problem with reading comprehension.
I was talking about eliminating 163 spaces on the upper level to put in bushes and a Jungle Jim--it had nothing to do with the pool.
There are many people who care ab out the pool. Just because you don't go to the beach and don't know how to swim is your problem.
The only problem you don't have is spreading the HATRED from your cold black, ugly heart. :) God, hope I don't have to see you tonight in that back row.
it sounds like 10:44 has a real personal vendetta.
There are signs for the beach and the golf course and I know for certain that signs have been added in the last few years, but I think more could be added.
As for moving the club house, it would not have made sense to do so under Stanton as the club house was completely redone and rebuilt in the late 1990s. I don't see how you move it now, rather you would have to build a new clubhouse, new parking, and completely change the course (as it set up now so you return to the clubhouse after 9 holes and 18 holes. Talk about a very expensive undertaking and a big waste of money since we just rebuilt the clubhouse not too many years ago.
The golf course is doing more public engagement, I noticed signs up for a ladies night event this Friday. It would be great if the club house was used for more non-golf activities from time to time.
Thanks, anonymous--that's what I meant by "moving" it--totally re-building it.
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