Last night's commission meeting was not too long. None of them are very long since this commission was elected and Michael Bornstein became city manager, which should make everyone wonder what is being decided out-of-the-sunshine.
Essentially we had only three or so citizens speaking last night--you could feel the tension in the air. Mr. Timm spoke, and I have been agreeing with him on everything lately. Next there was the little woman in the first row who likes to speak on just about everything. She coaches the dais from the front row and even before the meeting told me never to speak to her again, that I was evil. She denied knowing anything about the banner being re-erected on the Gulfstream. It does have her Pac's disclaimer on it. That special interest side certainly gets things twisted.
The City Commission voted in a new marketing approach: Come and invest in Lake Worth, the poorest city next to Belle Glade. From the map that was shown, even the nicest neighborhoods will be part of an Enterprise Zone and just as property values are starting to rise...hmmmm. One side of politics is always accusing the other on wanting to keep property values low. I have never figured out that one or where it made the least bit of sense but they keep using that ridiculous propaganda.. They just voted the opposite of their beliefs last night. Anything for business at the expense of single family and residential neighborhoods. Enterprise Zones are to attract business so I am confused about designating residential family neighborhoods as enterprise zones. Here we are trying so hard to rise from the ashes with a new casino and beach redevelopment, re-doing our golf course to attract tourism, and they just acted on an enterprise zone telling the world that you don't really want to come here and buy a property as you will be living and eating in the dirt.
The Commission settled with our regional sewer customers. It certainly is curious. In 2005, it was discovered by our Finance Department that 7 entities owed us money for our failure to bill for Renewal and Replacement charges. According to them at the time, these cities owed us $10,418,237 with Lake Worth customers owing $3+million. It was brought to Susan Stanton's attention soon after she was hired and she wanted to collect. We sued them in 2010. The cities balked because they never got a bill.
The Florida Auditor General became involved and it was determined that the customers of the Sub Regional system (includes Lake Worth) overpaid $4.5 million with the City of Lake Worth customers overpaying $3.8 million of that amount. How can this be? Was our Finance Department totally out of whack on its numbers, its billing, its methodology and calculations to advise a city manager that we were owed double digit millions only to learn that we now owe the cities? The Village of Palm Springs is the only city that owes us and it is a measly $52,708. We got into trouble through another bad contract and staff incompetence.
Mr. Timm spoke to the issue and was alarmed that the city was not going to give the money back to Lake Worth customers. Bornstein said, "You are out of line," that the issue has not yet been presented to the commission. Well, there was a big settlement and an agreement to pay our customers with the money coming out of Reserves last night. Why wasn't there discussion or recommendations on the same thing to Lake Worth customers? Lake Worth customers will probably end up eating dirt.
Bornstein said, "You are out of line,"
Ugh - another one who thinks they are the Boss of Us!
Hey Mr. cm - it is YOU that is Out of Line! You do not understand or attempt to protect the people/property that PAY YOUR paycheck!
We know what you said to
Your Departments are OUT OF CONTROL!
No, then why is the Banner back up?
You need to be schooled in the Proper Role of Government! This is America and you are behaving like we are in a communist country - YOUR attitude and Tone w/the people YOU SERVE is UNACCEPTABLE! Stop It!
Our Founding fathers taught US that our reps live amongst US and we can make USE our free speech to tell everyone who doesn't see it at meetings how you BULLY US!
Yes, I said Bully US! Your ignorance of the "Law of the Land" or arrogance towards it is NO EXCUSE!
So back at cha - OBEY THE LAW or you too will be punished - We REJECT your pretended authority and We the People WILL fix this and the fix is coming sooner than you think!
Remember this is a numbers game and the people are waking up! There are more of US than there are of You - like Verizon - "Can you hear US now",
will be clearly heard by YOU if you don't back off and be nice!
Sounds like the destruction of our town is well underway! We all know who's evil. The four up there behind the dais, and their little pack of friends, Loretta, Wes and, ummm....maybe 5 others. I have a feeling they're planning to fill up their pockets in the next couple of years. The rest of us, meanwhile, will stay poor as dirt.
Our City manager ,Mike Bornstein, seems to have no problem in talking down to and insulting the citizens of Lake Worth both in public AND in private.Mr. Bornstein,we "unfriendlies" are the reason that you have a job.Before you open your mouth to speak to another Lake Worth citizen, please engaege your brain a bit more.I am starting to get the feeling that Lantana is laughing at us.
Why have our single family neighborhoods been put into something called "enterprise zones"?No one asked the people of Lake Worth if we wanted this. No one got our permission to do this.What the hell?
Economic Development RESULTS:
"The state and Palm Beach County have spent massive amounts of taxpayer dollars to lure the Scripps Research Institute and other big names in biotech, a bold economic wager that was supposed to transform a region, kick start new, clean industry and create thousands and thousands of jobs, but his is what we have so far:
Total number of jobs created in the county — 944, according to a Sun Sentinel estimate.
Cost to Palm Beach County taxpayers — Nearly a half-million dollars per job.
So what happened? The answer depends on who is doing the talking.
Proponents say the project is on track, and that it was always calculated to take from 20 to 30 years to grow the biotech "cluster" grouping scientists and private businesses that was envisioned."
Stanton seems to be the gift that just keeps giving. Stanton's rejection of the offer 2 years ago from our muni customers and PCC for us to receive $3,500,000 in Settlement now results in us having to pay $4,500,000----a swing to our negative of $8,000,000.
At least the Casino fiasco is no longer her worst cost overrun.
Stanton tried very hard for this city. She terminated incompetent staff. She just didn't get rid of all of them. She listened to finance and our lawyer. She had meetings up the kazoo. And then the people voted in a few wise guys who in turn appointed more wise guys and a few with big egos on city boards. The Gift that just keeps giving.
It's impossible to believe anything coming out of city hall now. This commission is going along with a couple of staff and the CM is a pirate.
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