It's Baaaaaack!
Laws are for the "other" guy. Laws are for the middle class family, the retiree, the plumber, the grocery clerk, etc. who want low rise buildings in downtown Lake Worth. They are not for some who sit on the Planning & Zoning or the Historic Resource Preservation board. Greg Rice wonders why we don't trust politicians.
E-mail sent to our commission at 3:27 today from someone who lives in the condo across the street: Don't know what is going on .....but two men are hanging out the fifth floor window of the Gulfstream Hotel HANGING the BANNER up AGAIN! ......after it came down. Are they just ignoring the laws and paying the fines? Apart from that: The banner tells a lie. The Gulfstream hotel is an historic building and NOT in danger. The only thing in danger here is someone's profits! This does not set a good example for others to adhere to City codes...................
This repeat stunt will go against you.
Above the law. This city is so corrupt it isn't funny.
I can't believe the City has permitted this sign to stay up. And of course its false, but the realtors and the developers don't care. Ask anyone who has lived in this City for a few years, the GulfStream operated as a lovely boutique hotel for ages upon ages without a 6 story parking deck next to it.
Unbelievable. What an outrage. But what it's going to do is wake a sleeping giant. The vast majority of us who want the city to stay low-rise are furious. And our fury is not going to go away when we win on March 12. It's going to be plowed into a determination to remove from all offices and all boards anyone who had the slightest bit to do with this dirty business.
So glad to see it is up, and so is your blood pressure Lynn, better be careful you might stroke before Tuesday.....
Just a tip, anonymous above. I could care less about this stupid banner. Only reporting on the arrogance of those two in that PAC. I think it is going to bite them in the butt.
Ms. Anderson, for someone who could care less about that stupid banner, you have blogged, bitched, about it enough for the last couple of weeks.
Mike Bornstein, Willaim Waters, Pam Triolo,Andy Amaroso, Jon Zerti,Scott Maxwel,I, Katie Mcgiveron, am TOTALLY embarrassed for you.And for the rest of the citizens out there, keep trying to keep our city a great place to live, in spite of these disappointing people who are supposed to be our city staff and elected officials.
it is an egregious act by people who know better. It is a story. Sorry you don't like it.
Those 2 arrogant people in the PAC had nothing to do with the Banner going back up on Tuesday. Don´t know who put it back up, and don´t really care. It must have been somebody from the Gulfstream, There is a Special Masters meeting on Friday, about this stupid banner, do not know the time, but you might want to be there.
This is without a doubt the biggest farce that has ever hit our city. It's a right in your face I don't vie a damn act by politicos who know better but will do anything to win--ANYTHING.
A special magistrate meeting? you must be joking.
As the election is on Tuesday, the banner will have been up through the last few weeks other than a few days. Very clever BS and no one buys the BULL.
Putting the banner back up is kind of funny if you have any sense of humor.
Posting Dee's sick personal attack on Loretta and Greg was an egregious act.
Try to at least learn the correct use of words.
I have attempted to explain an alleged hateful comment that might have been posted on my blog. Send me the blog comment. I can't find it.
If it was posted here, it was in error and my neglect in not reading it all the way through.
The difference in the comment and the stupid banner is--the banner was re-erected ON PURPOSE and with the knowledge that the city had told them it was in violation. No one cared about that.
So, anonymous, there is NOTHING funny about the banner unless you just love stupid political tricks. And there is certainly nothing funny about any hateful comment either AND TO continue to beat me up on it when I did not write it nor can I find it here nor can anyone else, is more than stupid.
I read that hateful comment posted on your blog. You can't find it because you or someone with access to your comments deleted it!
If you didn't edit or delete it then who did?
You are a passionate person and IMO not a hateful person, but many comments do not get published (rightfully so) because of your 'blog and comment policy'.
This has now become harassment. I can't do anything more about it. It has become a "he said, she said." Therefore, there will be no more comments taken on it. Thanks.
Hateful comments are posted everywhere on the Internet---false, malicious and disgusting. Just read the other local blog as an example. Now and then something might slip by me. No one is perfect. If there is anything posted on my blog that is objectionable, please contact me and let me know about it allowing me the opportunity to determine the validity of the complaint. Thanks again.
My comment @12:41 was not meant as harassment.
If you took as such...I apologize.
The placement of the banner back on the Gulfstream Hotel shows the lawlessness of our Commission and the City Manager to further their political ends, enabling unwanted development in our downtown.
We would get no tax revenue from any new development and would lose our skyline and historic character for the sake of commissions for a few realtors and profits for hit and run developers.
Vote YES on Amendment 2 on Tuesday March 12.
To anon at 1:36pm How can you blame the commission, and city staff when in FACT. The sent two city employees to West Palm Beach to site an owner for a code violation. When the sign did not come down within 48 hours, they sent two city employees to West Palm Beach to inform the owner there would be a specially called special masters meeting on Friday March 8th at 1pm. They met with the city attorney several times.Now I have no idea what it will cost in staff time, lawyers time, or calling The Special Master for a special hearing but it seems they have gone over board. They certainly can hand deliver a code violation that is life threatening
but would you call a sign life threatening?
Thanks for adding to the stupidity and the insolence, anonymous at 3:13. Take a hike.
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