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Monday, December 10, 2012
Quote of the Day - Lake Worth Vice Mayor Scott Maxwell
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We don't want fine money; we want compliance.
~ Scott Maxwell
Speaking about the 10% of Lake Worth properties that are blighting our city and the recent vote by the Commission to tighten up our city codes governing these properties.
The problem is there is "Selective Enforcement" practiced in this city, some are harrassed, while they look the other way for others. I cannot believe you consider only 10% of the city blighted, seems like considerably more than that when you look around.
I used the PBPost figure of 10%. I'm with you--it seems like half the city is one big piece of blight! It could be that it is old housing stock. William Waters is saying it could do with the fact we are a city with a lot of poor folks who don't have the money to take care of their properties. I think it has to do with slum landlords. Even if you are poor, you can pick up a piece of trash.
Yeah, you know Lynn, you can brag all you want about how great this commission is, but I am sorry they stink. You write to them and they never write or call you back. I have just lost complete respect for them. I will not vote for any of them again when they run, Joann G. was the same way and I never voted for her again too, I am tired of the lack of accountability from the elected officials and not getting back to the constituents, this is wrong. They need to respond to every citizen that calls or write into to them. No excuses. They answer to us, and now won't get my vote ever again.
Obey or Pay...
The problem is there is "Selective Enforcement" practiced in this city, some are harrassed, while they look the other way for others.
I cannot believe you consider only 10% of the city blighted, seems like considerably more than that when you look around.
I used the PBPost figure of 10%. I'm with you--it seems like half the city is one big piece of blight! It could be that it is old housing stock. William Waters is saying it could do with the fact we are a city with a lot of poor folks who don't have the money to take care of their properties. I think it has to do with slum landlords. Even if you are poor, you can pick up a piece of trash.
Yeah, you know Lynn, you can brag all you want about how great this commission is, but I am sorry they stink. You write to them and they never write or call you back. I have just lost complete respect for them. I will not vote for any of them again when they run, Joann G. was the same way and I never voted for her again too, I am tired of the lack of accountability from the elected officials and not getting back to the constituents, this is wrong. They need to respond to every citizen that calls or write into to them. No excuses. They answer to us, and now won't get my vote ever again.
mAxwell is losing it and so is gthe mayor.
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