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~ Commissioner Andy Amoroso
Talking about the installation of security cameras at the Cultural Plaza where undesirables have been spotted drinking from open containers, dealing drugs and where robberies have occurred.
Crime is a scourge on society. Anything we can do to "get the bad guys" is good policy.
"Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable." –Orwell
What I wrote the commissioners:
I have a better Idea – Let’s put these up in your offices and ALL department heads w/Audio and let YOU try it out 1st – Make SURE it’s Safe for US, no?
We are NOT the enemy – We are INNOCENT before proven (not monitored) guilty – Are there no reasonable public privacy rights anymore? We also need to re-evaluate the salaries/positions for ‘Security Camera Monitors’ and ‘Radar Speed Gun Holders”, it’s a minimum wage job! Now there’s some savings!
Protect and Serve is not Gov Fund Raisers of “Click it or Ticket” 12.7.12?
Also a Must See is the 1980 Robert Redford Movie “Brubaker” showing how this can sour when man uses man to his beneficent ends becoming guilty of the same crimes!
This puts you, Our Elected in Collusion w/another one of Our elected ‘Constitutional Officer’, the Sheriff to ‘TAKE” from US and spread it around on what ‘YOU Think” is good for US – Not what is desired or lawfully approved by the consent of the governed.
This is NOT a Police State
Right now, we are running scared in everything we do--settling a law suit for $1.6 million to a flim flam artist who held us up to hostage to having a different sort of "criminal" bamboozle us out of our own safety for which we pay dearly. We should be safe in our own homes and in our city. The city needs to take every measure it lawfully can to ensure that safety.
Sorry weetha, but a little poactivity is refreshing, IMHO. No one is being tricked here. Kinda like a stop sign. you know it's there and it's up to you whether you stop or not. While our Buisnesses are important to the future of our City, I wish this technology could be used in nuisance area's of our neighborhoods, so we could feel safe in our homes!
What ever happened to the three wheelers that they use for events and honest to goodness patrols??? By foot even???
andy should focus on paying his bills not avoiding them
Do we all obey the law?
Illegals got a camera from Federal Grant Money. (I saw $500K get approved 2x)
"The sheriff’s office already uses a surveillance camera on Lake Avenue at E Street. That camera was purchased with money from a grant awarded to the sheriff’s office to prevent crimes against immigrants."
Me, a FREE citizen, is punished by this while illegals that break the law are protected. Read the article - there is more coming - for our safety of course.
Remember - Camera's are Big Brother and it is NOT about our safety -
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
--Benjamin Franklin, written shortly before Feb. 17, 1775, as part of his notes for a proposition at the Pennsylvania Assembly.
For those who understand,
no explanation is needed.
For those who do not understand,
no explanation is possible.
"If men through fear, fraud or mistake, should in terms renounce and give up any essential natural right, the eternal law of reason and the great end of society, would absolutely vacate such renunciation; the right to freedom being the gift of God Almighty, it is not in the power of Man to alienate this gift, and voluntarily become a slave." --John Adams, Rights of the Colonists, 1772
Hahah. I agree with Weetha. Let's put up camera's in the commissioners' offices. Good idea.
cameras should follow andy around--so that his true colors come through for everyone to see and we might catch him talking to his friend dylan and we caught him talking to shealy
that is right if cameras were following andy around they would have seen at 1:55pm friday --dylan harrison walking into the entrance of andy store and andy chatting once again with well known criminals that have given him money and dylans associates as well--example dylans assoc named vagas is on the official election donations as well as another asscoc---andy not to bright but we dont expect to much education from you--
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