Monday, December 10, 2012

Internal Auditor for Lake Worth to be Chosen tonight

Steven Wolkomir

29 years as an internal auditor--

School districts, Citizens Property Insurance and for various cities.
Accounting, CPA, Member of IIA, ALGA and other professional groups.
 He is well experienced in internal auditor start-ups
 and describes himself as a generalist.
 Gives objective and constructive appraisals
 and mentioned auditor accountability and independence.
 Used to working with politicians in his career.
Back in April he was ranked in the top 5 by all 5 commissioners
and narrowed down to the last two.

I will be very surprised if Mr. Wolkomir does not get the nod tonight but the City has a way of running off highly qualified people. To get along you have to go along--the creed of the past. This must change and the Internal Auditor must be totally independent.

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