Friday, June 1, 2012

Jobs down; Unemployment rate Up

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U.S. Added Only 69,000 Jobs in May; Unemployment Rate Rises to 8.2%

The United States economy gained a net 69,000 jobs in May, the Labor Department said Friday, a showing that reflected mounting fears of a global slowdown. The unemployment rate rose for the first time in almost a year, to 8.2 percent from 8.1 percent.

Not a good sign for Obama.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They say there are about 13 million people out of work in the USA, I think it is more really, but maybe if they had these people do all the work the illegal immigrants do here and pay taxes, we would be in a little better shape in this country. More than half the unemployed people do not want to do any laborious getting your hands dirty or sweating jobs though, so they would prefer to collect unemployment forever or get public assistance. Obama has to do more, he solve all the world's problems though, the American people have to step up to the plate and do more too, start more businesses, be more creative, study more and get educated, so many people do not want to do anything, are insecure and afraid of how to or what to do, or have too many vices and are happy living off the government. We need Americans to put their faith in God and their country and believe they can do anything.