Sunday, October 10, 2010

Palm Beach Post's hatchet job on Allen West

The Palm Beach Post did the biggest hatchet job on a candidate since I have been reading this newspaper. Today, it went to the extreme to vilify Col. Allen West. It was shameful. It should change its name to the Palm Beach Enquirer. Jan Wilder VerSteeg says that Ron Klein is a moderate Democrat. How can that be when he has voted the Democratic Party line over 98% of the time? Is that "moderate?"

The Editor of the Post seems to have fallen into the Klein mode--personal attacks--but forgets that Allen West won his primary with 17,618 votes and Ron Klein had 14,393 votes. The Post says that West is a fear mongeror but fails to recognize rhetorical statements made by West to get across a point. If he literally takes every descriptive statement that West uses for illustration, then he should do the same with all of Klein's liberal votes over the past 4 years and not give excuses for the high rate of unemployment and the $13 trillion dollar deficit that is growing every day.

The Post makes fun of West about his security clearance. West had the Security Clearance whereas the President doesn't have to have it. "By tradition and practice, United States officials who hold positions prescribed by the Constitution of the United States are deemed to meet the standards of trustworthiness for eligibility for access to classified information. Therefore, the President, the Vice President, Members of Congress, Supreme Court Justices, and other federal judges appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate need not execute the SF 312 as a condition of access to classified information."

Josh Grodin, the campaign manager, explained that West had obtained his clearance through a rigorous screening and security process, while Obama simply claimed his by winning the popular vote — and that Obama would not have obtained any clearance otherwise. “The fact that (Obama) admitted to cocaine use, travel to unauthorized countries years before, and his associations with Louis Farrakhan and Rev. Jeremiah Wright, he probably would not have been granted a security clearance,” he said.

If the President says that he "has a need to know" even without the security clearance, he would probably be given the information, but perhaps not. Classified Information Nondisclosure Agreement.

Allen West is correct when he says that TARP and the Stimulus have been failures. According to Finch in Finance News, "Any person in the Senate or House of Representatives running for re-election should be voted out if they voted for the bailout, TARP and the Stimulus Bill. Everything should have been left alone and the economy would have worked itself out.

Of course there would have been great suffering, but for a shorter period, than the 'death from a thousand cuts' occurring now. The Stimulus Bill was designed for a long-term recovery and not to alleviate the situation. This was nothing short of criminal. However, there were no criminals apprehended in Washington nor on Wall Street."

Instead The Bailouts
With the bailouts, the point of no return in the economy might have been reached. No methods are successful in getting the economy moving. And we have a deficit and debt that can never be made manageable. The latest news is that the economy shed an additional 39,000 jobs. The bleeding continues.

The leaders, both Republican and Democratic have spent inordinate amounts of money and nothing was accomplished. Sure they avoided a more severe downturn, but that would have righted itself by now. The worst of both worlds is the result."

He sums it up by saying, "The legislators who voted to spend money and put us into debt and still leaving the economy in horrendous condition are nothing short of criminals. Yet they appear on television and the radio spouting either more wasteful spending, or like Ben Bernanke of the Fed, saying they did the right thing.

There are way too many attacks of the PB Post's to address in this blog but the bottom line is, we must have a change in Washington and that change is Allen West. He is the only one (man enough to speak the truth) to give us the cold hard facts and to help lead us out of the mess. As Obama's staff keeps bailing out on him, Obama continues to run up enormous debt appointing more of the same to continue with his spending.

This is the MOST important Congressional race of all and every liberal and every left-wing newspaper are coming out of the woodwork telling you to vote more of the same. Don't listen. Our country can't afford it.

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