City governments all across Florida make it extremely difficult to impossible for residents to have a voice. If a city council wants something, you can bet that any opposite opinion from residents will either not be heard or what they say will not phase that city council in the slightest.
On Thursday, Amendment 4 advocates joined with the Save Our Marina folks in Riviera Beach for a banner waving demonstration on Broadway and 13th, right near the Marina. We got a million honks. Finally people are realizing this is the people's marina, and not an industrial boat yard for the billionaire, Huizenga.
The situation in a Nutshell:
Rybovich and partner wanted public land at the waterfront in Riviera Beach.
The City Council of Riviera beach wanted them to have it for 25 years
The residents wanted to keep it public as it always has been
The City said "no way" and voted to change the land-use on a 4 to 1 vote
The citizens formed a PAC, gathered signatures that were certified and got the issue on the ballot.
The City was ticked off and sued the citizens to get it OFF the ballot.
Rybovich was ticked off and sued two of the citizens.
They all went before Judge Fine yesterday at 8am.
The City had 5 lawyers whose argument was the 5 acres or less
Does this all sound familiar?
Rybovich Riviera Beach LLC, owned by the Huizenga family, wants to establish a megayacht service yard at the south end of the marina. On June 2, the Riviera Beach City Council was about to vote on a 25-year lease of the south end of the city marina to Rybovich Portside LLC for a mega-yacht service facility but Rybovich forgot to register the name with the State, so a Riviera Beach resident grabbed it.
The Council ultimately voted to change the land-use for Rybovich.
Rybovich and an associate schmoozed the Council that caved (including Dawn Pardo the activist whose referendum lowered the height of Catalfumo's building at the beach.) So, The Citizens Task Force of Riviera Beach collected 5,000 signatures in about 3 weeks. The Supervisor of Elections stopped counting when the required number was verified (about 2,500) ." The referendum maintains public control of these areas.
On the Ballot:
Shall The City Of Riviera Beach Charter Be Amended To Provide That The Use Of Dedicated Submerged Public Lands At The City Marina Remain Limited To Municipal Park And Recreational Purposes According To Florida Dedication No. 24438-A; (2725) the Municipal Marina Properties, Newcomb Hall, Bicentennial Park, And Spanish Court Shall Be Owned, Managed, And Operated Solely By The City Of Riviera Beach; The Municipal Marina Properties Shall Not Permit Industrial Commercial Boat Repair Operations? (YES) (NO)
Residents in a community should not have to work this hard to fight City Hall but it is the norm. Amendment 4 would have totally decided the issue...change the land-use and lease out city property to a fat-cat or keep the waterfront property and sub-merged land in public control. People should decide land-use changes...they should never be political votes.
Vote YES on 4 on November 2. It's a must.
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