When examined up close, Amendment 4 proves to be the only thing on the table that can actually re-fire our economy. Comprehensive Plans are the road map upon which our infrastructure spending is based, our community’s character is built, and our home values rely. These plans have a Land Use component that outlines how much growth can occur and where. Amendment 4’s wording, complete with definitions, shows that we will vote only on changes to that Land Use component – not on other aspects of the overall plan if we pass Amendment 4.
Many of the headline problems of today are directly addressed by Amendment 4. Land Use changes have led to tax increases for unnecessary infrastructure, home values diluted by oversupply, and Florida’s #1 rank, in the nation for political corruption. These are the factors that have led to our economic collapse, and they must be resolved before our economy, our jobs, and our property values can recover.
Amendment 4 is also as much about water as it is about density and height. Once your local usage exceeds the state Aquifer Pumping Limits, the cost to deliver your drinking water will soar. Expect increases of 500% to 900% according to Desalination Plant cost disclosures. My hometown is already using 75% of our supply yet we can still – inexplicably -- build nine times more homes under our existing Comprehensive Plan. My county, Volusia, is using 80% of its water supply, yet it can still build over four times more homes. When you add all of Florida’s plans together, we allow for more than five times more homes, even though many areas are already out of water and buying from neighboring sources. In light of these facts many political watchers think we should have started voting on Land-Use changes a long time ago.
You may hear that Amendment 4 has failed elsewhere.
FACT - It has never really been tried. In St. Pete Beach, well funded speculators skipped the public meetings required by law and purchased their way on the ballot. Next, developer funded St Pete commissioners sat on their hands and watched that train wreck happen. Under Amendment 4 local politicians couldn’t hide in St Pete, and would have to approve change before the public is asked to vote.
Another untruth circulating in Tea Party groups is that 4 infringes on property rights.
FACT - Amendment 4 protects the property rights of current property owners against those who speculatively purchase government influence and then use it to dilute everyone else’s property values.
The biggest whopper is that Amendment 4 will extend the recession.
FACT - Amendment 4 your quality of life and property values, which you and your neighbors will protect at the ballot box. The transparency and security brings may be the only way to lure new retirees into coming to Florida.
Amendment 4 supporters are long term residents who see their quality of life and home value decimated by higher densities, commercial intrusion, political corruption, and soaring taxes. Those fighting Amendment 4 are mega developers flush with federal bailout dollars on a "say anything" tear. In the middle are undecided voters whose neighborhoods have yet to be impacted. How will they decide what’s best for them? With Amendment 4 we can all decide on a case by case basis, at the ballot box. Without 4 we will have no say because we will have no vote.
In an unprecedented time of government-gone-bad, Amendment 4 represents the intent of our Founders and the beauty of our Constitution. It offers us the opportunity and responsibility to protect our collective future against representatives who cease to represent.
Greg Gimbert - Daytona Beach
(386 852-0751 for verification)
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