- Marco Rubio, (Rep) US Senate
- Allen West, (Rep) US Congress District 22
- Michael E. Arth, (NPA) Governor (The only stand-up guy running for Governor on the issues especially Amendment 4)
- Jim Lewis (NPA) Attorney General
- Chief Financial Officer - no endorsement
- Thad Hamilton (NPA) FL Commissioner of Agriculture (Retired Lt. Col. US Army--he has integrity)(Both the Dem and Rep candidates support illegal alien farm labor and have other negatives)
- Steven Rosenblum, (Rep) FL House District 89 (Clemens is not a choice)
- Bill Graham, PB Cnty School Board District 3 (I approve of his stand on merit raises)
- Ann Kanjian, PB Cnty School Board District 4
- Christopher McVoy, Lake Worth Commissioner District 2
- Suzanne Mulvehill, Lake Worth Commissioner District 4
Amendment 1: No
Amendment 2: No (This is a warm and fuzzy amendment that we can not afford)
Amendment 4: Yes (to help end corrupt politics and give the people a voice on growth)
Amendment 5: Yes
Amendment 6: Yes (Instead of voters choosing legislators, we have legislators choosing voters! Amendments 5 & 6 will stop that because they create rules against drawing districts to favor incumbents of political parties)
Amendment 8: Yes (According to reports, from 2003 till early 2010, the state has spent approximately $15.8 billion in order to help reduce class sizes through out the state. The Florida Department of Education reports that an additional $350 million is needed to meet class-size caps - including more classroom space and teachers. This cost takes into account cuts to health, education and other state programs in order to eliminate a looming $3.2 billion state budget shortfall. According to reports, if the proposed amendment is approved, no costs would be incurred)
Federal Balanced Budget: Yes
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