Friday, October 8, 2010

Mark Foley rumor

The latest rumor circulating around Lake Worth is that Mark Foley has an interest in purchasing the Gulfstream Hotel that was bought by Adam Schlesinger's company. The thought is to put a for-profit Consortium together and have the top two floors as condo hotels and the rest of the floors kept as hotel rooms to attract national and international tourists. The hang-up is that it has not yet been foreclosed and the hotel was put up as security on a bank loan.

On July 16, Stabfund (USA) Inc., a Swiss entity, filed a foreclosure lawsuit against CSC PB Beach, a company of Adam Schlesinger's, the entity that owns the Omphoy. The lawsuit, filed in Palm Beach County Circuit Court, seeks repayment of a $60 million loan according to an article in the PB Post. There are several liens on the property and Straticon is still waiting to be paid $275,821.

If the Gulfstream ever is foreclosed, perhaps this "dream" of former Congressman Mark Foley's could become reality.

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