Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Florida ranks 42nd on the List as one of the Worst States

The Best and the Worst States

And just think, the Lake Worth BAC PAC blames this Commission for everything that has gone wrong in the City. They want you to support their candidates as they say that THEY have the answers. They just don't get it. Even Florida elected officials just don't get it.

42nd. Florida

Debt per Capita: $7,666 (29th)
Unemployment Rate: 11.7% (46th)
Home Price Change (’06 – ’09): -20.9% (48th)
Median Household Income: $44,736 (38th)

Despite receiving the ninth-lowest rank, Florida maintains an amazing AAA rating from S&P, which is the only reason it didn’t rank as the worst state on our list. From 2006 to 2009, property values in the sunshine state dropped 20.9%, making it the third-worst in that category. Despite its significant number of older residents, Florida also ranks 47th in health insurance coverage and has the fourth-worst violent crime rate.

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