Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Filibustering, Platitudes and Political Hanky Panky

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Last night’s commission meeting was interesting only in respect to the politics.

The Mentoring Center located at our Shuffleboard Court will FINALLY close. Although giving the reason as economics and that we need the space for our own employees, the bottom line is, the City of Lake Worth has been complicit in an illegal activity—allowing illegal aliens to be hired for work from a city owned public building.

Four Commissioners approved of ending this $1 a year lease with The Mentoring Center. Commissioner Jennings filibustered the motion and voted Nay. Aside from all the freebies from Lake Worth taxpayers to support this illegal operation, last June, The City gave them $40,000 from a Grant.

The next interesting thing was Public Commentary. One had to do with the Mayor and his robo call in support of two candidates. Citizen Barbara Jean Weber asked him why he was supporting a candidate running against Commissioner Mulvehill when he voted with Mulvehill on most every issue over the past year. She waited for his answer, and waited, and waited. The bell rang.She took her seat.

Prior to this, Mayor Varela stated that he did not want the dais to be used for political purposes or words to that effect. Actually, during public speaking, we can say what we want, Mayor--First Amendment right and all. He answered Barbara Jean a little later by saying he did not bring his politics to the dais…it was his First Amendment right to support whom he chooses and he “will take the high road.” Well, that is a curious statement because in the Robo call he introduced himself as MAYOR Rene Varela. Mayor, you took the LOW road here.

Scott Maxwell also said to "leave politics at the door, that it was petty and childish." Sorry, Scott. There is nothing childish about politics. It is corrupt and disgusting at times but certainly not petty or childish, unless of course, you are involved in border-line unethical robo calls.

It seems that the contentious BAC PAC crashed a city meeting of owners, etc. at the Park of Commerce in order to address the attendees. It was reported that City officials left the meeting prior to them speaking. So, that makes it ethical? It has to make you wonder who told the PAC to show up. We know it was not Jennings, Golden or Mulvehill.

Jim Stafford talked about Party on the Plaza and the beer garden they have there…it competes with downtown businesses…who gave them a license; who holds the license, etc? I have been saying for quite some time that this event is not the same since the Chamber relinquished the responsibility. I hate the beer garden and want the art and vendors back.

Cara Jennings asked about the billboard at the Cultural Center and its support for two candidates. The Billboard used to be controlled by The City of Lake Worth. Under a former administration, I have been told, the City turned it over to the Chamber of Commerce and they have sole control of its content.

I do not want any city tax dollars going to the Chamber of Commerce…any grant money from the City…nada. As long as this is a political entity that is supporting candidates and issues, city tax dollars should never be used. In fact, rescind the agreement on the billboard with the Chamber.

At the end of the night, Commissioner Scott Maxwell went on and on about the casino, trying every which way to delay going forward. Commissioner, leave your politics at the door before you are seated at the dais.

1 comment:

kkss21 said...

Does Varela still have relatives in Cuba ? I'm sure that he and Maxwell's views on what Lake Worth citizens can and can't say would be very familiar to and welcomed by those crazy ,guys, the CASTRO brothers! Varela and Maxwell are the type that would burn to a crisp in the sunshine, if you get my drift.