From the beginning, it was never about waste. It was never about corruption. It was not about who had the most experience in the city or who was more qualified. It was all about “us versus them.” From those candidates who ran, there was no other choice but Rene and a full frontal attack was in place even going so far as to form a corporation with no transparency for the sole purpose of funneling money into his campaign for attack fliers full of mis-truths. Then, of course, there was the robo call from The City of Lake Worth phone. There were outside people, Republicans and professional advice. It was about strategy and dancing the issues.
As one voter said to me, "I am voting for Varela; look at the city; look at the mess.” It was all about change. It didn’t matter what McNamara had done for the City or continues to do to this day. Anything was better than what we had. Anything was better than anyone who had ever supported Cara Jennings. Another voter at Havana Hideout said, “McNamara came with different baggage.” The McNamara “baggage” was far more important to these voters than dolphin trafficking or lack of experience or that this was a stepping stone to bigger and greater things. One supporter yesterday said, "If he can win in THIS city, he can win anywhere." They wanted someone for whom they knew nothing, who had no alliance with Cara Jennings and had a wife that was demure.
Another voter observed that Varela followed the Obama platform. Varela networked this past year and built up alliances he never had last year when he ran for commissioner. This was a goal and his only job. He was going to win this time around. His future in politics depended upon it.
Unlike Obama, however, he was not loyal to those who helped him in the past. He dropped them like a hot potato and if they were around this time, that would be okay but it was not important. He had bigger fish to fry. He, instead, made friends with his enemies and kept them all close. He said all the right things to the gay community, to Tropical Ridge, to the Lake Worth Democratic Club that abandoned him last year and to all the haters of Cara Jennings. He learned to be a politician, something he so desperately wants to be. He got Loretta, a known McNamara hater on his side for the run-off.
Herman Robinson was quoted as saying in today’s paper that he thought “Rene will be able to bring us all together so we have a less of an us-and-them attitude.” To me, just the opposite occurred in this election. Herman forgot that Rene said he was going to leave us out in the cold. This appealed to all those who helped him win. These voters that swayed the vote were saying, NO MORE OF THEM.
It is all about perception and the voters took a chance on someone they did not know instead of someone they did.
The thing is, Lynn... We all do know Larry and what he's about. That's why we didn't vote for him.
No get off of it and do something proactive and positive to assist and support who's in office, since it is a hard and thankless job, instead of fighting them every step of the way.
First of all, his name is Laurence. He never goes by the name of Larry. Second of all, I have no idea what in the world you are talking about...you "know what Larry is about." Have you ever even had a conversation with Laurence on anything? All you do over there is keep a town toilet alive. What you should be doing is taking some of your own advice. Why not work with THIS commission and give them support rather than causing BS time after time?
I plan on supporting commissioners WHEN and only when they do something RIGHT no matter who it might be. I plan on speaking out when I feel they have made a mistake. Again, no matter who it might be. I do not play favorites. If I have a choice of a candidate it is because I feel it is the best candidate based on many reasons. Tunnel vision is something I do NOT have.
I can't stand arrogance no matter who it is. Rene's statement today at the Chamber breakfast was not in good taste..."Lake Worth is now opened for business."
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