I guess the most “out in left field” was Jim Kelly’s in his far fetched attempt to justify dolphin trafficking by his favorite candidate, (this year) Rene Varela. Sorry, Jim, but really. All the correlations made were preposterous and a sad attempt to show a sufficient moral reason in the capture of wild animals for huge profits. Did you know that for every caught bottle-nosed dolphin 20 die in the process?
My vote for the second most "righteous" letter was Luis Tamayo's when he was offended when John Jordan referred to American Indians as Indians instead of Native Americans. What is this world coming to when you can't call a spade a spade...no pun intended, so don't even go there with me. Mr. Tamayo, all of you "new" immigrants who are citizens of the United States have just the same rights as we old immigrants. As long as you have come here through a legal process, none of us have a problem.
The color of the skin has nothing to do with the fact that illegal aliens are costing the American tax payer, ($397,479,286,221) bringing down our economy and that all of those who walk across our borders have contempt for American law as do the bleeding hearts that support their action. All those who continue with the lame excuse that we are all "racists" when we want people to obey our laws are what is wrong here. So, re-write your Plan B and stop playing the race card.
Rene Varella is not a healer-he is a dolphin dealer. He says if not for him,more dolphins would die in transport. He is a modern day version of the slave physicians.They also made sure that a very valuable commodity (Human slaves) , made it to market alive.
Re: Native Americans/American Indians or just plain Indians
In order be concidered any of the above legally in the U.S.
According to B.I.A. you have be part of a Federally Reconized Tribe, ancestors being enumerated on various cencus rolls as Indian!
These people had to prove their blood and family relations, even when they were here in the U.S. long before anyone else.
My ancestors had to go through the Gov. process to be legal in their own country. Many of my people don't get credit for being Indian because they missed the rolls or were not beleived. (fair skined)
We paid dearly and still are some of the poorest people in this country. A true minority!
Why can't other people from other countries go through the process, as well; and not use Indian features as an excuse.
So call me a racist!? For thinking the "new immigrants" should go through the process and not expect special treatment.
5 displaced Choctaw (B.I.A.)Registered Indians living in Lake Worth! With Cherokee & Siminole Blood (not credited for because of missed rolls)
Since you posted, I was reading about the Choctaws. Click this on if you haven't yet read this by a Choctaw. It is very moving.
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