We are all optimistic, not only about our city but about our nation as a whole. As we grow government and get deeper in debt, there is still a ray of hope amongst us all. Having hope is human nature rather than going around thinking doom and gloom all day long. We vote people into office with the expectation that they can and will solve our problems. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are 19,354 "incorporated places" in the United States and they are all feeling the pain of this recession, many in "crisis." Lake Worth is just one of them that is struggling but we are still financially sound...per Mark Bates.
In two months we will be that much closer to restoring our Casino. Once work starts on that and our Casino is finished, we all will have new found pride in
People will be buying into our city and by increasing homeownership, the slums and blight will begin to disappear. Property values will once again soar. Nationally, there have been a lot of costly programs to pump the economy and produce jobs. So far, they have failed. There's always a bright side. The dollar is at one of its lowest points and this should stimulate new buying with cash pouring in from global markets. Tourists have contributed $142 billion to our national economy. We will get a lot of those dollars here.
These are the things that will allow
1 comment:
Personal vindictiveness,of primitive, questionable people, without vision for our City, have kept the concrete box covered 1921 Casino in its' deplorable state.
It cannot attract important business.People are tired of the Breakers etc.Ready for w new special venue.
Laurence has tried to get this project done, but corrupt employees, and corrupt former Commissioners,have kept our City from growing .They attempted to give this job to their selected Company,delaying progress more.
They, however do not own our Casino. A new corrupt plan, intends to give the new comer from Miami's, supporters the Casino job for $25.000.000.- of our money,
(see P.B.Post)no time line and cap,to alleviate the debt for non-payment of the Con building's contractor.
Not to bring jobs and revenue to our City, but to rob us.
Our 1921 Casino can be recreated expertly within one year for $7.000.000.- as all Citizens now know.We have finance in place without Beach Bond.
Laurence worked at this since 2001 against sabotage of several disgraced former Commission members and the purchasing Dept. with personal agendas.As a private Citizen he has no vote to favor Citizens serving projects. It could have opened this month.
Has anyone ever audited our purchasing Dept.? The last one showed irregularities! It is overdue.
Madame X.
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