Monday, November 17, 2008

It's all about the issues--and don't forget the truth

Today’s paper quotes RenĂ© Varela and his reason for endorsing Suzanne Mulvehill: “agrees with her on issues such as retaining city control of the beachfront casino and following through with construction of the reverse-osmosis water plant.” He further states that, “It’s about the issues, we need to get personality out of it.”

I think that we all agree to that although personality does enter into the equation. People have to like the candidate and they certainly have to trust him. Both these candidates are very likeable people, so throw personality totally aside. It IS all about the issues and understanding what in heck your elected representative votes for and the consequences of those actions. Who do you trust?

Again, Dave Vespo does not understand his water decision when he voted to take a match to $14 million dollars and end our Reverse Osmosis System, a system that would have left Lake Worth independent as a Seller of water and not a Buyer of water. This article quotes him as saying that the $18 million deal (which is really a $21 million dollar deal according to Staff statements) he devised with PB County is a SHORT-TERM solution to our water. NO IT IS NOT. This is long-term. He further states that the State denied permits for discharging waste-water. NO THEY DID NOT. They denied a permit for discharging waste into the ocean. This has nothing to do with deep well injection permits for which Vespo and the City did not apply.

Vespo says he is still for the Greater Bay project of giving control over of our 19 beachfront acres and tear down our casino building. He failed to say that there is so much controversy in the City about this bad deal and bad plan, that he just wants to railroad it in and discount anything that the citizens have ever had to say on our beach. He does not listen to the people. Greater Bay has not performed under the contract and has tied up our beach for years. There are two law suits that are a direct result of this bad decision to contract with Greater Bay and Peter Willard.

This election comes down to this—There is a faction in this City that does not want to give up control of the 3 to 2 vote on the dais. They will vote for the status quo at any cost to the welfare of our City rather than voting for the person who will make every effort to save money, understand contracts and affect change in the right direction for everyone in Lake Worth for generations to come. Clearly there is only one choice.