Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Campaign Update and FHD in the News!

From Lesley--

In light of the hyper-partisanship of election season, it is important to realize that Florida Hometown Democracy is a non-partisan reform with only one goal: giving voters the power to veto bad growth plan changes.

Mark your calendars for January 8, 2009. Hometown Democracy v. the State of Developers heads to the Florida Supreme Court for the umpteenth time in the battle to save what’s left of this once gorgeous state. The court will rule on the revocation statute. You will recall that FHD won at the First District Court of Appeals but the state appealed the ruling.

Regardless of the ruling, FHD will be on the 2010 ballot. If you are interested in volunteering on the campaign, please email us at E-mail address: flhometown@yahoo.com

The “big boyz” are nervous about the looming reality that people who live in a town might actually have a voice in its future, so they are running hard to procure their “entitlements” NOW, before the 2010 election. It doesn’t seem to matter that we are in the midst of a real estate depression, they must have approval for that new mega-sprawl. If the truth be told, they are programmed for destruction and just don’t care about anything else. See the excellent article below….simply substitute your county for Orange County and your BAD project for “Innovation Way” ….and the beat just goes on!

We can’t wait for 2010!