This job is not even close to being done, so do not get smug in this success. We all have to recognize the inevitable--conditions change and what worked today may not necessarily be the answer or enough one year from now.
The developers, builders and Realtors have been silenced in Lake Worth today because of the dreadful market conditions. Also, their candidate did not have his finger on the pulse of the citizens. All residents here have been negatively impacted by the economy, taxes and the votes on the dais.
We have all been working for change for years now. Change takes time and scores of us worked to see this day, through public speaking, writing articles, filing law suits, petitioning, and campaigning over the last several years. This has all been a work in progress and progress takes a lot of time. Credit goes to so many people in the community who have taken the insults, harassment, the continued condescension as well as scorn from some of these people who kept saying that we were the “vocal minority.” We knew better. A special thanks to Bill Coakley at lakeworthmedia.com is in order for his continued perseverance in outing corruption.
The conditions and timing were ripe for Suzanne Mulvehill’s message--this time. The people spoke and said that they were no longer intimidated by the bullies here in Lake Worth. But the “it’s all about me” crowd are still here and they will be scheming and planning to win the next one because it is always about “them” and not for the greater good.
We saw how special interests came into Lake Worth trying to direct the outcome of this election. They want our beach. They want our water. I think they want our City. And it sure seems like that was what the former Commission majority wanted to do…outsource it all…give it all away. Every Political Action Committee around and out of town contributed to Dave Vespo’s campaign along with Chamber of Commerce members, Realtors and developers.
So, keep your finger on the pulse. Keep your focus. Do not take off the gloves. Do not get complacent in this success. As this new majority on the Commission will strive to improve the lives of all residents of Lake Worth and the health of our City, there are always those waiting in the wings to take you out.