Citizens for a Sustainable Economy (ECO)
This is an electioneering committee that started filing T-Reports and collecting money on November 3, 2006. Its final report was filed for the period ending October 30, 2008 with total contributions of $70,400.01 and of course, the same for expenses.
This Group is headquartered out of Sarasota and the address is 1673 Georgetown Boulevard, Sarasota, FL 34232, (941) 400-6106 and its Chair is Matt Cracchiola, the son of a Sarasota minister as reported on the Internet.
The Naples News says that Electioneering Communication Organizations or ECOs “duck disclosure laws by collecting money late in campaigns and spending it during the final few weeks.” In this way, there is no way to track the money. It is heavily rumored and believed to have been funded by the Florida Home Builders Association and other groups wanting growth and density.
As this Group has given some sort of endorsement to Dave Vespo, read what others have to say about this now defunct group. When researching this closed ECO, there is not much to find.
Key West
Amy Stein, Bradenton