Will folks , GM just finished building a new $300 MILLION auto manufacturing plant in ---RUSSIA, that will produce 140 thousand SUV'S AND CARS per year . That means that Russia will not need to import many GM products from here .Amid the doom and gloom of the American meltdown, the new President and our government must immediately solve our financial crisis and stop taking advantage of its taxpayers for the benefit of corporate America and its shareholders. This outsourcing has hurt the American people. As corporations help to build up world economies, looking only at their bottom line, jobs are lost, people are forced out of their homes and our stock market continues to drop. Greed has caused this crisis. I always condemned Ronald Reagan when he started to break the backs of the unions around the early 80's. But maybe he had the answer afterall.
GM's USA division is not going to make it but, GM's division outside the USA will be fine as is the case with FORD. I bet that GM will take the bail out money and pay for the Russian plant and still go broke here and still walk away with bail out money in their pocket and make more profit from their Russian plant and not one cent of that will come back here.
We, the people, need to look closely at the thievery that is going on here. I say NO TO ANY BAIL OUT OF ANY BUSINESS and be grown ups and accept the hard adjustment that is needed because a hard adjustment is here now no matter what.
A quote by blogger, Paul Hilliard: American labor unions can either help lead our country back to manufacturing competitiveness, or drag us to third world status. It’s either take the pain now, or leave the mess for our children.