Maxine Waters was steaming mad after a Trump official gave her this reality check
Maxine Waters is having a bad time with Donald Trump back in office.Her big mouth keeps getting her into trouble.
Maxine Waters accuses Trump of trying to start a second Civil War.
Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) is well known for her decades of inflammatory comments.
President Donald Trump’s second term in office is pushing her over the edge.
Waters ranted about Trump pushing the country toward a civil war because of cuts to government spending at a Congressional Black Caucus retreat.
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You're so angry and nasty, Lynn. What is it with you?
Truth really hurts you phonies. What would you call her? A demure, polite woman full of love? You Democrats now are polling at 29% and 27%. Learn something.
She, as most dumpstercrats, ugly inside and out. Such horrible people.
The nasty people anony above, are Democrats and everyone on The View. Now that's about as nasty as you can get.
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