Sunday, September 1, 2024

Illegals just keep coming thanks to Biden/Harris

Biden administration to restart immigration program that was paused over fraud concerns

Biden/Harris restarting this program although half or more of the population disagrees

Homeland Security said the program for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans will resume with stronger vetting, but no issues have been found with people already admitted to the U.S.

The Department of Homeland Security announced Thursday it will resume issuing travel authorization to migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela who apply to come to the United States with the help of a sponsor.

The program had been paused in July after an internal report found that more than 100,000 applicants for the program were supported by just over 3,200 U.S.-based sponsors whom the report identified as “serial sponsors.” Those applications were red-flagged for potential fraud, and critics of the program said the large numbers of migrants sponsored by just a few individuals could point to human trafficking.

And who is paying for these flights? You, the American citizen of course.

A DHS official also told NBC News that sponsors must show they can financially support the number of immigrants they are sponsoring and “serial filers who do not meet these qualifications or otherwise appear to be exploiting or abusing the process will be non-confirmed.”

The official added that any sponsors who have asked for payment from immigrants to be sponsored will be referred to law enforcement for potential prosecution.

Within weeks of the program’s beginning in January 2023, concerns were raised in an Associated Press article about potential sponsors advertising online that they would be willing to sell their services as sponsors to migrants in Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

Read about it...

Fraud prevails in just about anything involving Democrats.

We know about their "vetting"--it doesn't exist. More than 330,000 Venezuelans crossed the U.S. border last year, according to Customs and Border Protection data, and Venezuela, like Cuba, China and a handful of other countries, doesn’t provide any criminal history information to U.S. officials.

So, Biden/Harris is flying them in and going around border control. There is no vetting from these countries, and some won't even help us on criminal backgrounds. And we're having problems with Venezuelan gangs.

As former Border Patrol agent Ammon Blair told NBC News, unless agents get a Venezuelan migrant’s criminal history from Interpol or “they already have a criminal record inside the United States, we won’t know who they are.”

The NYPD calls them “ghost criminals,” with little to identify them except gang tattoos.

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