Saturday, September 7, 2024

Democrats are prepared to steal Election 2024 with George Soros' help

U.S. Senators THREATENED BY George Soros-Tied NGO

‘Ignore Dirty Voter Rolls If You Know What’s Good For Ya’

An anonymous U.S. Senator has revealed that he or she received a phone call from a shady group which THREATENED them that they had better IGNORE dirty voter rolls ahead of the election – OR ELSE.

The senator noted that the call they received came from an organization known as “Keep Our Republic.”

This group is a non-government organization (NGO) which is OF COURSE funded by the radical America-hating left-wing billionaire George Soros.

On the call, the senator said that the NGO was saying that if certain senators did not back down from claiming voter rolls were “dirty”, meant filled with illegal voters, these senators would have this “good government” group fight to keep them from being re-elected.

The team at Fractal Analytics, a quantum computing team that has been scrutinizing voter data, has exposed the fact that its NGOs like these that are actually RESPONSIBLE for the bloated voter rolls.

Fractal discovered that the NGOs have prepared more than 500,000 completely fraudulent ballots in EACH SWING STATE, which is more than enough to decide elections in their favor.

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