Monday, December 4, 2023

Biden says our economy is doing great



Anonymous said...

nothing looks bad when you cant open your eyes.i was wondering how many more secret papers are in his.dont remember hearing the fbi search his house like they did to MR TRUMP

Anonymous said...

Yeah but at least he told him hey I got some papers at my residence it's not like hey I got some I don't have any more papers at my residence and they find boxes then they come back more and find more boxes
Yeah the economy is doing great cuz everybody's getting on social security disability even though they're not disabled making $2,100 a month doing nothing that's why nobody wants to work anymore
I was in McDonald's yesterday I used my credit card and on the thing it says tip 5 10 15 20 or round it off to the nearest Dollar that's ridiculous for to go order at McDonald's

Lynn Anderson said...

President Trump had the legal right to declassify anything he wanted. Biden did NOT.

Anonymous said...

Obviously one sided justice system today complicit covering for a greedy self serving deranged dementiad old man, we need to stop feeding the beast lock him up

Anonymous said...

Why do so many make excuses for the lies and misdeeds of Beijing biden? Are they slaves for the devil too like loser joe?

Anonymous said...

Joe and the hoe gotta go. Beijing biden has been living off the federal government now for 50 years he's never held any legitimate other profession or job other than as an elected official in the current position is an illegitimate position because he's not really the fully elected president of the United States he cheated his party cheated and it's all going to be shown the truth is going to be coming out God is a good God and he will show us the truth about this fraud! Pray for the United States of America pray for President Donald j Trump pray to make America great again!

Anonymous said...

Right it's great for him because he lives off the government he has free housing free food free healthcare free everything and he's an illegitimate president getting a huge salary of almost $500,000 a year and he gets to live for free in the White House he has no idea and no clue he's a pathetic loser and cheater and fraud greedy corrupt self-serving sob and we all know where he's going when he leaves this Earth school!