Friday, August 4, 2023

"It was the Democrats, who actually staged a 'de facto coup'"

Trump unleashes on 'coup' plotters including Hillary, Obama, Biden

'They put our country through hell'

"President Donald Trump right now is in the cross-hairs of the Deep State, the establishment, the power structure, whatever name fits.

The latest is a series of charges from the Department of Justice over his comments made about his belief that the 2020 presidential election was stolen.

In fact, there's significant evidence of wrongdoing, including that the FBI interfered in the election by falsely telling social and legacy media to suppress accurate reporting about the international business scheming of the Biden clan, apparently including both Hunter and Joe."

Read more on he coup...

IMPORTANT NOTE: "To their horror, America’s ruling elites failed to knock out Donald Trump during his four years as president via the fabricated Trump-Russia collusion scandal – conceived and funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign, as the Durham report proves – or through two circus-like impeachment trials. Later came “January 6,” a demonstration-turned-riot by Trump supporters who passionately believed, with good reason, that the recent election – and therefore their country – had just been stolen from them. Members of Congress now want to constitutionally bar Trump from again seeking public office for having instigated “an armed insurrection” (no protester was armed) against America."


Anonymous said...

This regime and unjust departments are all demonic ruled by slaves for Satan. A huge Fedsurrection, they would never report on all the election fraud the state media covers for this illegitimate regime. Pure evil has taken over our government and country.

Anonymous said...

"We cannot have a county led by a President (in this case Trump) subject to Ongoing Criminal Investigation, potential indictments, and never-ending hearings." - Jeanine Pirro on Fox News 2016

Lynn Anderson said...

“The anti-Trump movement is a conspiracy by the powerful and connected to overturn the will of the American people. Among the co-conspirators are FBI officials illegally exonerating their favorite candidate of violating well-defined federal criminal statutes, first to help her get elected and then to frame Donald J. Trump for “Russia collusion” that never happened.”
Jeanine Pirro