Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Facing 9 felony charges for leaving 3 dogs in hot car

3 dead dogs dumped after being left in hot car

woman arrested Tammy Garceau, 54, of Lake Worth Beach faces 9 felony charges

This is the full statement from Aronberg:
“The allegations in this case are disturbing and heartbreaking, but since this is pending I am unable to comment further. As State Attorney and an animal lover, I’ve made it a priority that animal cruelty will not be tolerated in Palm Beach County. We prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, but the law itself need to be strengthened. Felony animal cruelty cases rarely result in jail or prison time. I would like to see the Florida legislature make it easier to send these violators to prison."
Read about it...


Anonymous said...

They should hang her!

Anonymous said...

They should make her sit in a hot car with the windows rolled up for an hour and a half and see how she likes and then put her in jail

Anonymous said...

I think they should make her sit in a hot car for at least a minimum of an hour put her in jail for at least a year and then make her make her clean animal cages for another 2 years