Friday, March 31, 2023

QAnon Shaman Jacob Chansley released from prison 14 months early, moved to halfway house

GREAT NEWS for Jacob Chansley

It’s no secret that the Democrats and mainstream media have their own version of what happened on January 6th, but it isn’t an accurate representation. The truth is, those who gathered around the Capitol were there to peacefully protest as they wanted a proper audit conducted into election results – if Biden was indeed the legitimate winner in the election, then they would have accepted that. Nevertheless, this has been overshadowed by false information circulated by the MSM and liberals.

Nonetheless, we were left with several false Trump supporters who provoked violence. On the other hand, solid evidence from videos show that true backers of President Trump attempted to stop those who were shattering windows and pushing doors open in order to get into the building. Consequently, some innocent people got tangled up in this chaos leading them towards prison confinement unjustifiably.

Jake’s mother Martha Chansley has shared some good news: he is released from prison. We can only assume that the positive shift in his case is a result of Tucker Carlson airing previously withheld evidence on his show.

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

It doesn't seem to me like a half-way house is the proper treatment. Maybe he could have that nice room in Walter Reed that Fetterman just vacated.

Lynn Anderson said...

Yeah, Fetterman got dismissed yesterday. He plans on going back to the Senate to help ruin our country mid April.
At least Chansley is not an elected official, just a patriot that walked in the Capitol while Capitol Police opened the doors for him.

Anonymous said...

"Chansley, who pleaded guilty to a felony charge of obstructing an official proceeding, was among the first rioters to enter the building. He has acknowledged using a bullhorn to rile up the mob, offering thanks in a prayer while in the Senate for having the chance to get rid of traitors and scratching out a threatening note to Vice President Mike Pence saying, “It’s Only A Matter of Time. Justice Is Coming!”

Though he isn’t accused of violence, prosecutors say Chansley, of Arizona, was the “public face of the Capitol riot” who went into the attack with a weapon, ignored repeated police orders to leave the building and gloated about his actions in the days immediately after the attack."

“I have no excuse,” Chansley said. “No excuses whatsoever. My behavior is indefensible.”

Lynn Anderson said...

PBS...left bias reporting but perhaps you should read the entire article.
AND, he has been released.
Prosecutors said this, said that...well, of course they did.
Didn't you see the video?
And he was NOT a "rioter" as they like to call him.

Anonymous said...

"the video"

You mean the edited clips that Tucker showed on his show. Not the entire video, right? Because to watch the video in its entirety would mean that you would have to see the conduct which he admitted to and was convicted of and got sentenced to 41 months.

Which you don't want to do because then you couldn't say he wasn't a rioter. Although, you probably still would because you have never been one to deal in reality.

He has a felony conviction no matter what you like to call him.

Lynn Anderson said...

No, I don't mean "edited" clips. How about producing the entire video of Chansley. He plead guilty because it was in his best interest to do so as the government was cracking down on all there that day and their goal was to imprison all of them.

How about you dealing in "reality." He is free and I believe it's because of evidence not identified in discovery...Exculpatory evidence. Prosecutors were out to get him as they decided he was the face of what they call a "riot" even if he was calmly walking around the Capitol with Capitol police escorts.

Anonymous said...

His own words....

"Men of honor admit when they're wrong. Not just publicly but to themselves," Chansley told the court in Nov. 2021. "I was wrong for entering the Capitol. I have no excuse. No excuse whatsoever. The behavior is indefensible."

You're going to believe what you want to believe, Lynn. You always do. Things that don't fit into your narrative you ignore or don't believe them. You'll always be that way.

I present the facts, in this case his own words, and you pretend they don't exist. It makes you "right" when you're "wrong"...and that's all that matters to people like you.

Lynn Anderson said... obviously do the same of which you accuse me.
Prosecutors convinced him that he was wrong to enter the Capitol.
It was a put up job.
I don't give a hot fig about what NPR wrote or any other left-wing biased "news."
He has been released based on the new evidence that was not presented.
Give it a rest, anonymous. Tyranny will not rein in this country if honest people have anything to say about it.