Friday, March 31, 2023

Donald J. Trump Statement on Indictment

Click to read


Anonymous said...

There is NO crime. The only crime is coming from the Democrats and Alvin Bragg.

Dan Volker said...

And Ron DeSantis, representing Good in the world, has gone on record saying that Florida WIL NOT allow the Federal Authorities ( the Fascists) to take Trump from a POLITICALLY based trial with no legal merits, and backed by George Soros and the forces of evil.
OF COURSE , I embellished a bit on the end of this, but I am certain DeSantis would agree :-)

The Democrats in power have become the Fascist Party , they are what the Fascists of the 1930's and 40's of Hitler's Germany were.
Our Democratic Fascists in power in America, are diligently attacking and destroying all opposing voices, and they have their own News Media to drive their propaganda.
The nonsense about left or right leaning needs to stop --- these have no meaning when most Americans, most people of Lake Worth, have no idea whatsoever of how the Fascists took control of Germany in the 1930's. None. It is sickening. This was a history to be held close forever, so as not to ever be repeated, and here we have the sheep following the Fascists, and they have no idea they have fallen exactly into the footsteps of the past....