Sunday, March 19, 2023

Nevada State Senator wants state to pay for Medicaid for Illegals

Nevada State Senator, Fabian Doate
He was appointed to the seat after incumbent Democrat Yvanna Cancela resigned to join the
Biden Administration

Nevada Democrats Seek to Spend Tens of Millions to Give Illegals Access to Medicaid

Lots of sick Democrats in our country

Illegal immigrants will reportedly now be eligible for Medicaid under a proposed measure that will be introduced by Democratic state legislators in Nevada.

The bill’s projected first cost is $78.5 million and could be much more.

State Senator Fabian Doate, whose parents immigrated from Mexico, serves as the Co-Majority Whip for the Senate Democrats, and the one who drafted the proposed piece of legislation.

However, he gave the impression that the actual cost could end up being higher because there is no exact data on the total number of illegal immigrants in Nevada and people are frequently scared to honestly admit their immigration status.

Immigrants who enter our country illegally are criminals. That's the bottom line. So what's up with these Democrats who continue to coddle criminals and spend millions of dollars of citizen's money?

Read about it...


Anonymous said...

these people have a screw loose

Anonymous said...

that guy is scary looking