Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Bragg's quest to bring down Trump

Manhattan DA Pumps the Brakes as His Fake Case Against Trump Falls Apart

"Imagine that one of your loved ones was kidnapped and held for ransom, and then you paid the ransom. Then, a lunatic District Attorney turns around and charges you with kidnapping for rescuing your loved on. That’s a pretty close analogy for what’s happening to Donald Trump with this Stormy Daniels nonsense.

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg is pushing forward and trying to indict a former president after some con artist whore tried to extort his presidential campaign for money. Fortunately, it looks like Bragg’s case has now flown off the rails completely."

But who knows...Bragg is so arrogant and persistent in "getting" Donald Trump he may risk his entire career in his pursuit.


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