Monday, March 20, 2023

"Don't Say Gay" lawsuit dismissed

Federal Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Aimed at Blocking Florida Governor’s Parental Rights Law!

The law, referred to by Democrats as “Don’t Say Gay,” limits when students can be taught about gender identity and sexual orientation in K-3 classrooms.

The law has nothing to do with "don't say gay." But Democrats know this. They twist every narrative to suit their mixed up agenda.

In October, Florida students and their parents filed a lawsuit in an attempt to challenge the law, but it was thrown out on Wednesday by U.S. District Judge Allen Winsor due to insufficient facts and legal standing.

Conservatives are applauding the court’s decision, arguing that the law is necessary to protect children and ensure that parents have a say in their children’s education.


Anonymous said...

I heard about this happening a month ago. I was happy then and I'm happy now that I'm hearing about it again! USA!

Lynn Anderson said...

Happy that you're happy, anonymous

Dan Volker said...

Why do we let the Fascists masquerading as Democrats get away with the dishonesty of mislabeling like "Dont say Gay" , when there is zero content about this, included in it.

I wonder how many of these Democrats realize they are aligned squarely with WWII style Facism?