Sunday, September 8, 2019

Saint QB Drew Brees targeted by Radical Fringe

"One of the NFL’s most admired ambassadors of goodwill and philanthropy is being attacked for his religious views. To be clear, the religious views that he’s being attacked over aren’t even what he expressed in the video. Even if it were, though, the fact that Christians are no longer allowed to hold to Christian beliefs is frightening." [DC Whispers]


Anonymous said...

this is all the crazy feminists and atheists and LBGTq that want to destroy our religion.

Anonymous said...

Christians have always been persecuted 9:19.

Anonymous said...

99% of the American people have his back. And 9:19 -isn't it time for religious persecution of Christians to stop?

Anonymous said...

I can't control that 11:03, but I guess if you really knew the story of Jesus, you would realize that persecution, redemption, and forgiveness are all part of Christianity.

Anonymous said...

It is not religious only to stand up against abortion and the death penalty, they say a lot about our civilization and our society as a whole when we allow these forms of murder, no matter of what religion we are. I do not care if I am at work, play, in public, or with family and friends, I will always stand up against abortion and the death penalty, they are wrong and murder and should not be allowed in any civilized society, although Catholic and gay, I would never even allow it to be right for a lesbian to say it is her right to have an abortion and that men have no right to say what a women does to her body. Murder is wrong, we all know it deep in our bones, we do not have to read the Bible or Torah, or Koran to know this.